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Ancient Sea Cow Fossil Shows Rare Evidence of an Attack by Multiple Predators

Discover Magazine - Thu 29 Aug 24

Different kinds of bite marks link crocodile hunting style millions of years ago to contemporary methods

Unlucky ancient sea cow attacked by crocodile and then shark reveal secrets of prehistoric food chain

The Independent - Thu 29 Aug 24

The sea cow died after the crocodile performed a death roll

Unluckiest sea cow fossil was eaten by both a crocodile and a shark

New Atlas - Thu 29 Aug 24

The fossil of an extremely unlucky dugong has been uncovered. The old sea cow had a pretty bad day about 20 million years ago when it was eaten by both a crocodile and a shark.Continue ReadingCategory: ...

Fossil shows this dugong was eaten by a croc and a shark millions of years ago

Cosmos Magazine - Thu 29 Aug 24

About 20 million years ago, one dugong had a very rough day indeed. The ancient sea cow’s fossil shows evidence of bite marks not just from one nightmarish predator, but two – a crocodile ...

Ancient sea cow was attacked by crocodile and and scavenged by shark – study

The Independent - Thu 29 Aug 24

The findings help shed light on the prehistoric food chains, researchers say.

Ancient sea cow that was attacked by both a primeval crocodile and shark sheds new light on prehistoric food chains - Thu 29 Aug 24

A new study showing how a prehistoric sea cow was preyed upon by not one, but two different carnivores—a crocodilian and a shark—is revealing clues into both the predation tactics of ancient ...

Ancient sea cow attacked by a crocodile and sharks sheds new light on prehistoric food chains, ScienceDaily - Thu 29 Aug 24

Living Fossils Revealed: The Hidden Evolution of These 4 Ancient Species

Discover Magazine - Wed 28 Aug 24

Though these creatures may seem unchanged, they’ve evolved in hidden ways.

The ancient whale fossil still has a shark bite preserved into it

ZME Science - Tue 3 Sep 24

A fragment of whale rib found in a North Carolina strip mine is offering scientists a rare glimpse at the interactions between prehistoric sharks and whales some 3-4 million years ago, during ...

Fossils Capturing a Sea Cow's Violent End Shed Light on Prehistoric Food Chains

Smithsonian Magazine - Thu 29 Aug 24

New research suggests the dugong-like sea creature was attacked by a crocodile, then its remains were scavenged by a tiger shark—a rare series of events to be immortalized in the fossil record

This poor ancient sea cow was first killed by a crocodile and then eaten by a shark some 20 million years ago

ZME Science - Thu 29 Aug 24

A sea cow's fossil offers a rare glimpse into Miocene-era predation

Talk about kicking you when you're down! Ancient sea cow was attacked by a crocodile and THEN scavenged by a tiger shark 11.6 million years ago, fossil analysis reveals

Daily Mail - Thu 29 Aug 24

Bite marks in the bone of a sea cow - an extinct marine mammal - reveal the circumstances of its incredibly gory demise in what is now Venezuela, scientists report in a new paper.

This Ancient Sea Cow Was Killed by a Croc and Eaten by a Shark

Scientific American - Thu 29 Aug 24

Scientists re-create the last moments of a manateelike animal that was eaten by both a crocodilian and a shark

20 Million Years Ago This Sea Cow Was Eaten by a Crocodile, And a Shark

ScienceAlert - Thu 29 Aug 24

A no good, awful, terribly bad day.

Crocodile attacks sea cow. Tiger Shark picks apart sea cow.

Popular Science - Thu 29 Aug 24

One unknown day millions of years ago, a prehistoric manatee relative was attacked by a hungry crocodile. After it was killed by the crocodile, the seacow’s remains were scavenged by a tiger ...

Ancient sea cow was killed by prehistoric croc then torn apart by a tiger shark

Livescience - Thu 29 Aug 24

Rare fossilized sea cow unearthed by a local farmer in Venezuela appears to have been killed by a croc then eaten by a tiger shark. ...

Ancient Sea Cow Attacked by Multiple Predators

idw-online - Wed 28 Aug 24

Remarkable fossil evidence of an ancient sea cow being preyed upon by not one, but two different predators – a crocodile and a shark – offers fresh insights into the predation tactics and ...

Predatory Face-Off: Unprecedented Fossil Shows Sea Cow Caught in a Lethal Predator Crossfire

SciTechDaily - Wed 4 Sep 24

Remarkable fossil evidence reveals an ancient sea cow that fell victim to two different predators—a crocodile and a shark. This discovery provides new insights into the predation strategies ...

Miocene-Period Dugong Was Eaten by Crocodile and Tiger Sharks, Paleontologists Say

Sci.News - Thu 29 Aug 24

Paleontologists have unearthed a 20-million-year-old fossilized skeleton of a species of the dugongid sirenian mammal Culebratherium with shark and crocodylian bite marks in northwestern Venezuela. The ...

Fossil Evidence Unveils Ancient Food Chain Drama: Sea Cow vs. Crocodile and Shark

SciTechDaily - Thu 29 Aug 24

New research documents the predation of a Miocene-era sea cow by both a crocodile and a shark, revealing significant parallels in ancient and modern food chains and providing a rare glimpse ...

Ancient sea cow attacked by a crocodile and sharks sheds new light on prehistoric food chains

Scienmag - Thu 29 Aug 24

A new study describing how a prehistoric sea cow was preyed upon by not one, but two different carnivores – a crocodilian and a shark – is revealing clues into both the predation patterns ...

Ancient sea cow attacked by a crocodile and sharks sheds new light on prehistoric food chains, Eurekalert - Thu 29 Aug 24