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When the first warm-blooded dinosaurs roamed Earth - Sat 18 May 24

Scientists once thought of dinosaurs as sluggish, cold-blooded creatures. Then research suggested that some could control their body temperature, but when and how that shift came about remained ...

When the First Warm-Blooded Dinosaurs Roamed Earth, TIME - Wed 15 May 24

Dinosaur Migration Hints at Shifts Toward Warm-Bloodedness

Discover Magazine - Wed 15 May 24

Dinosaur dispersal suggests that some species may have developed ability to control their body temperatures.

First warm-blooded dinosaurs may have emerged 180 million years ago – study

The Independent - Wed 15 May 24

In the early 20th century it was thought that dinosaurs were slow-moving creatures that relied on heat from the sun to regulate their temperature.

Colossal volcanic eruptions made some dinosaurs more like chickens, says breakthrough study

Science Focus - Wed 15 May 24

Ever found the evolutionary leap from dinosaur to chicken a bit hard to imagine? Well, scientists have just solved one more link in that chain – and it could all come down to an ongoing series ...

First warm-blooded dinosaurs adapted to cool climates

Cosmos Magazine - Wed 15 May 24

The first dinosaurs to have a warm-blooded metabolism might have emerged 180 million years ago during the early Jurassic period, according to a new study. Warm-bloodedness, or endothermy, ...

First 'warm-blooded' dinosaurs may have emerged 180 million years ago - Wed 15 May 24

The ability to regulate body temperature, a trait all mammals and birds have today, may have evolved among some dinosaurs early in the Jurassic period about 180 million years ago, suggests a ...

First 'warm-blooded' dinosaurs may have emerged 180 million years ago, ScienceDaily - Wed 15 May 24
First ‘warm-blooded’ dinosaurs may have emerged 180 million years ago, Scienmag - Wed 15 May 24
First ‘warm-blooded’ dinosaurs may have emerged 180 million years ago, Eurekalert - Wed 15 May 24

Archaeologists Discover Ancient Roman Swimming Pool in Albania

Smithsonian Magazine - Tue 21 May 24

Found in an upper-class villa, the indoor pool was accompanied by decorative mosaics and frescoes dating back nearly two millennia

Some Dinosaurs Evolved to Be Warm-Blooded 180 Million Years Ago, Study Suggests

Smithsonian Magazine - Thu 16 May 24

Researchers studied the geographic distribution of dinosaurs to draw conclusions about whether they could regulate their internal temperatures

T.Rex was WARM-blooded! King of the Dinosaurs had the ability to internally generate heat - and was not cold-blooded like reptiles, study claims

Daily Mail - Wed 15 May 24

Scientists say that T-Rex might not be the cold-blooded killer we once thought as evidence suggests that dinosaurs like it might have been able to generate heat.

New study may solve mystery about warm-blooded dinosaurs

CBSNews - Wed 15 May 24

A new study suggests that the first warm-blooded dinosaurs may have roamed Earth about 180 million years ago.

Ancient DNA Analysis Reveals True Appearance of “Exotic” 6th-Century Chinese Emperor

SciTechDaily - Wed 22 May 24

Researchers reconstructed the face of Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou using DNA from his remains, revealing his typical East Asian features and suggesting his premature...

Evolution’s 180-Million-Year-Old Secret: Scientists Discover Potential Origin of the First “Warm-Blooded” Dinosaurs

SciTechDaily - Mon 20 May 24

A new study led by researchers from UCL and the University of Vigo suggests that the ability to regulate body temperature, a characteristic shared by...

Study: Warm-Bloodedness in Theropod and Ornithischian Dinosaurs Evolved by Early Jurassic

Sci.News - Thu 16 May 24

A fundamental question in dinosaur evolution is how they adapted to long-term climatic shifts during the Mesozoic Era and when they developed environmentally independent, avian-style acclimatization, ...

Deciphering Zoonotic Mysteries: The Squirrel-Leprosy Connection in Medieval Europe

SciTechDaily - Tue 14 May 24

Researchers at the University of Basel and the University of Zurich have been able to prove that British squirrels carried leprosy bacteria as early as...