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Human movement out of Africa had a long pitstop

Cosmos Magazine - Tue 26 Mar 24

A region of modern-day Iran likely served as a hub of long-term human occupation for thousands of years, say a cross-disciplinary team studying migration patterns. Using genetic, fossil ...

Persian plateau unveiled as crucial hub for early human migration out of Africa - Mon 25 Mar 24

A new study combining genetic, paleoecological, and archaeological evidence has unveiled the Persian Plateau as a pivotal geographic location serving as a hub for Homo sapiens during the early ...

Persian plateau unveiled as crucial hub for early human migration out of Africa, ScienceDaily - Mon 25 Mar 24
Persian plateau unveiled as crucial hub for early human migration out of Africa, Eurekalert - Mon 25 Mar 24

Scientists solve 20,000-year missing gap in human history after uncovering 'hub' where first humans lived after emerging from Africa

Daily Mail - Tue 26 Mar 24

Scientists have known that Homo sapiens left Africa 70,000 years ago and spread throughout Asia and Europe 45,000 years ago - but where they spent the time in between has long been a mystery.

20,000 years of shared history on the Persian plateau

Scienmag - Mon 25 Mar 24

All present day non African human populations are the result of subdivisions that took place after their ancestors left Africa at least 60.000 years ago. How long did it take for these separations ...

20,000 years of shared history on the Persian plateau, Eurekalert - Mon 25 Mar 24