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Recovered RNA has put scientists one step closer to resurrecting the Tasmanian tiger

ABC Science - Wed 27 Sep 23

The Tasmanian tiger has become the first extinct animal from which scientists have recovered RNA, the molecule that brings a specie's genome to life.

RNA recovered from extinct animal in world first - Tue 26 Sep 23

Scientists have for the first time recovered RNA from an extinct species, the Tasmanian tiger, raising hope for the resurrection of animals once thought lost forever, Stockholm University researchers ...

First RNA extracted from extinct species may help thylacine resurrection

New Atlas - Mon 25 Sep 23

Scientists have successfully extracted RNA molecules from an extinct species for the first time. The milestone was achieved in the thylacine, a species of carnivorous marsupial that roamed Australia ...

Tasmanian tiger RNA extracted — a first from extinct species

Interesting Engineering - Wed 20 Sep 23

In ...

Extinct Tasmanian tiger yields RNA secrets that could aid resurrection

Newscientist - Tue 19 Sep 23

RNA, which regulates the activity of DNA, is a crucial part of building an organism - and now researchers have extracted some from an extinct animal for the first time

Tasmanian tiger RNA is first to be recovered from an extinct animal

Nature News - Tue 19 Sep 23

Nature, Published online: 19 September 2023; doi:10.1038/d41586-023-02953-3Genetic sequences from a museum specimen offer fresh clues about the physiology of thylacines, which ...

RNA has been recovered from an extinct species for the first time - Tue 19 Sep 23

A new study shows the isolation and sequencing of more than a century-old RNA molecules from a Tasmanian tiger specimen preserved at room temperature in a museum collection. This resulted in ...

RNA for the first time recovered from an extinct species, ScienceDaily - Tue 19 Sep 23
RNA for the first time recovered from an extinct species, AlphaGalileo - Tue 19 Sep 23
RNA for the first time recovered from an extinct species, Eurekalert - Tue 19 Sep 23

Tasmanian Tiger Becomes First Extinct Animal To Have Its RNA Extracted

ScienceAlert - Sun 24 Sep 23

Its story continues.

Scientists Collect First RNA From an Extinct Tasmanian Tiger

Smithsonian Magazine - Fri 22 Sep 23

No other RNA has ever been extracted from an extinct species, so the breakthrough opens doors to understanding the biology of long-gone organisms

RNA extracted from an extinct species for the 1st time

Livescience - Tue 19 Sep 23

Researchers analyzed RNA from the 130-year-old tissue of a Tasmanian tiger, a carnivorous marsupial that went extinct nine decades ago. ...

Scientists take step toward "being able to resurrect extinct species"

CBSNews - Tue 26 Sep 23

"People didn't think it could really be done," Marc Friedländer, an associate professor in molecular biology at Stockholm University, told CBS News.

Reviving the Lost: Scientists Recover RNA From an Extinct Species for the First Time

SciTechDaily - Tue 26 Sep 23

A recent study successfully isolated and sequenced century-old RNA molecules from a Tasmanian tiger specimen preserved at room temperature in a museum collection. This achievement...

In a first, RNA is recovered from extinct Tasmanian tiger

The Hindu - Fri 22 Sep 23

The last-known Tasmanian tiger succumbed in a Tasmanian zoo in 1936

Researchers develop first method to study microRNA activity in single cells

Eurekalert - Thu 21 Sep 23

Researchers at Stockholm University and SciLifeLab have developed the first method to uncover the tasks that microRNAs perform in single cells. This is a huge improvement over existing state-of-the-art ...

Researchers Extract and Sequence RNA from Extinct Tasmanian Tiger

Sci.News - Tue 19 Sep 23

Scientists have extracted, sequenced and analyzed historical RNA from muscle and skin tissue of a 130-year-old thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) preserved in desiccation at room temperature ...