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Scientists further refine how quickly the universe is expanding - Fri 8 Nov 19

Wielding state-of-the-art technologies and techniques, a team of Clemson University astrophysicists has added a novel approach to quantifying one of the most fundamental laws of the universe.

Scientists further refine how quickly the universe is expanding, ScienceDaily - Sun 10 Nov 19

Scientists Refine How Quickly the Universe is Expanding - Mon 11 Nov 19

(via Greg Rakozy/Unsplash) The universe may be growing at a slower pace than we thought. A team of Clemson University astrophysicists developed a new ...

Clemson scientists further refine how quickly the universe is expanding

SpaceDaily - Sun 10 Nov 19

Clemson SC (SPX) Nov 11, 2019 Wielding state-of-the-art technologies and techniques, a team of Clemson University astrophysicists has added a novel approach to quantifying one of the most ...

Clemson scientists further refine how quickly the universe is expanding, Eurekalert - Fri 8 Nov 19