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DNA Analysis of Ancient Rome Reveals a Cosmopolitan Megacity

Discover Magazine - Thu 7 Nov 19

(Credit: leoks/Shutterstock) A new collection of DNA from ancient Romans spanning 12,000 years shows how the population of the empire’s capital shifted along with its politics. Published ...

Immigrants from the Middle East shaped Rome

Science Now - Thu 7 Nov 19

Researchers lay out first genetic history of Rome - Thu 7 Nov 19

Scholars have been studying Rome for hundreds of years, but it still holds some secrets—for instance, relatively little is known about the ancestral origins of the city's denizens. Now, an ...

Researchers lay out first genetic history of Rome, ScienceDaily - Thu 7 Nov 19

Early Rome featured a surprising amount of genetic diversity

UPI - Fri 8 Nov 19

During its long history, Rome has been shaped by a tremendous amount of genetic diversity. It was, new research suggests, one of the earliest urban melting pots.

Ancient Rome: a 12,000-year history of genetic flux, migrations and diversity

Newswise - Fri 8 Nov 19

Scholars have been all over Rome for hundreds of years, but it still holds some secrets - for instance, relatively little is known about where the city's denizens actually came from. Now, an ...

Ancient Rome: a 12,000-year history of genetic flux, migrations and diversity, Eurekalert - Fri 8 Nov 19

Stanford researchers lay out first genetic history of Rome

Eurekalert - Thu 7 Nov 19

(Stanford University) Despite extensive records of the history of Rome, little is known about the city's population over time. A new genetic history of the Eternal City reveals a dynamic population ...