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The last mammoths died on a remote island - Mon 7 Oct 19

The last woolly mammoths lived on Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean; they died out 4,000 years ago within a very short time. An international research team from the Universities of Helsinki ...

The last mam­moths died on a re­mote is­land, Science Blog - Mon 7 Oct 19
The last mammoths died on a remote island, ScienceDaily - Mon 7 Oct 19
The last mammoths died on a remote island, Eurekalert - Mon 7 Oct 19

The last woolly mammoths lived on a remote island, study says - CNET

CNET - Mon 7 Oct 19

They may have been killed off by isolation, extreme weather and the spread of humans.

The last mammoths lived on a remote island in the Arctic

ZME Science - Mon 7 Oct 19

They died-off suddenly -- but perhaps not dramatically.

How the Last Woolly Mammoths Met Their Demise on a Remote Arctic Island

Gizmodo - Mon 7 Oct 19

The last mammoths to stomp on Earth lived on Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean. This isolated population lived for thousands of years after most mammoths were gone, but when extinction finally ...

How the woolly mammoth extinction took place on remote Arctic island

FOXNews - Mon 7 Oct 19

Scientists are unraveling the mystery of how the last mammoths died on a remote island in the Arctic Ocean just 4,000 years ago.

The last woolly mammoths lived on an island in the Arctic Ocean and died suddenly 4,000 years ago

Daily Mail - Mon 7 Oct 19

Extreme weather, poor drinking water, and possible hunting by humans may have caused the extinction of the last surviving mammoths who lived on Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean.

Wrangel Island And The Last Of The Woolly Mammoths In 2,000 BC

Science 2.0 - Mon 7 Oct 19

Global warming did once kill off a once-common species, but it was the transition from the last Ice Age to the current warming period, starting 15,000 years ago.That well-known species was the ...