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Scientists start mapping the hidden web that scaffolds the universe - Fri 4 Oct 19

After counting all the normal, luminous matter in the obvious places of the universe—galaxies, clusters of galaxies and the intergalactic medium—about half of it is still missing. So not ...

We've had our best glimpse of a web of matter that spans the universe

Newscientist - Thu 3 Oct 19

A vast spider web of matter is thought to stretch across the universe. Now astronomers have seen its filaments between several galaxies for the first time

The cosmic web exists

Cosmos Magazine - Thu 3 Oct 19

Astronomers have confirmed it by viewing gas billions of light years away. Richard A Lovett reports. 

A new image reveals the structure of the cosmic web

ScienceNews - Thu 3 Oct 19

Newly spotted tendrils of gas within a forming cluster of galaxies support scientists’ theory of the cosmos.

Massive filaments fuel the growth of galaxies and supermassive black holes - Thu 3 Oct 19

An international group of scientists led by the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research has used observations from the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at the ESO Very Large Telescope ...

Massive filaments fuel the growth of galaxies and supermassive black holes, Eurekalert - Thu 3 Oct 19
Massive filaments fuel the growth of galaxies and supermassive black holes, ScienceDaily - Thu 3 Oct 19

Mysterious ‘cosmic web’ that sticks the universe together pictured for first time

FOXNews - Tue 8 Oct 19

The cosmic web responsible for 'gluing' the far-flung galaxies of the universe together has been directly observed for the first time ever.

Faint Filaments of Universe-Spanning 'Cosmic Web' Finally Found - Thu 3 Oct 19

The faintly glowing wisps of gas that make up the intergalactic filaments of a universe-spanning cosmic web may have finally been detected for the first time, a new study reports.

First-Ever Image of the 'Cosmic Web' Reveals the Gassy Highway That Connects the Universe

Livescience - Thu 3 Oct 19

A groundbreaking new image provides direct evidence of a 'cosmic web' of gas that links every galaxy in the universe.

Light from the cosmic web maps filaments across millions of light-years

Physicsworld Blog - Mon 7 Oct 19

Filaments could link several galaxies The post Light from the cosmic web maps filaments across millions of light-years appeared first on Physics World.

Glowing gas reveals faint filaments of the cosmic web

Eurekalert - Thu 3 Oct 19

(American Association for the Advancement of Science) Faintly glowing wisps of gas, excited by the intense light of surrounding star-forming galaxies, have given astronomers a rare glimpse of ...