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Now that's a penguin

Cosmos Magazine - Wed 14 Aug 19

Prehistoric giant had a close Antarctic relative.

1.6-metre penguin fossil discovered in New Zealand

ABC Science - Wed 14 Aug 19

The fossilised remains of a huge penguin almost the size of an adult human have been found in New Zealand's South Island, scientists say. ...

'Human-sized penguin' lived in New Zealand

BBC News - Wed 14 Aug 19

The animal, dubbed "monster penguin" by Canterbury Museum, stood around 1.6m (5ft 3in) tall.

Giant penguin fossil found in New Zealand - Wed 14 Aug 19

The fossilised remains of a huge penguin almost the size of an adult human have been found in New Zealand's South Island, scientists announced Wednesday.

Fossil Friday: leg bones lead to extinct giant penguin in New Zealand

ZME Science - Fri 16 Aug 19

New Zealand isn't a stranger to extinct big birds.

Giant 'human-sized' monster penguin remains discovered in New Zealand

FOXNews - Wed 14 Aug 19

Scientists have identified a new species of giant penguin from fossils discovered in New Zealand.

Human-sized 'monster penguin' may have weighed more than 175 pounds - CNET

CNET Cutting Edge - Wed 14 Aug 19

Thanks a lot, scientists, for finding this fossil and destroying our Hollywood images of cutie-wooty little penguins.

Nah or Aww? Human-Size Penguins Once Waddled Across New Zealand

Gizmodo - Wed 14 Aug 19

A fossil discovery has added another entry to the list of comically large New Zealand birds: a 5-foot-tall penguin.Read more...

Human-Sized Penguin Fossils Uncovered in New Zealand - Wed 14 Aug 19

Model of five-foot-two-inch-tall giant penguin, compared to an average-height woman (via Canterbury Museum) Scientists discovered a monster penguin that ...

Newly described giant extinct penguin and parrot once lived in New Zealand - Fri 16 Aug 19

Millions of years ago, giant birds roamed ancient New Zealand. There was the moa, an extinct flightless bird, thought to weigh up to 230 kilogram (510 pounds). Then there was the now-extinct ...

Paleontologists discover human-sized penguin in New Zealand

UPI - Wed 14 Aug 19

Scientists have discovered a giant penguin species in New Zealand.

Monster penguin find in Waipara, New Zealand

ScienceDaily - Wed 14 Aug 19

A new species of giant penguin -- about 1.6 metres tall -- has been identified from fossils found in Waipara, North Canterbury in New Zealand.

Monster penguin find in Waipara, New Zealand, Eurekalert - Wed 14 Aug 19