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Traces of crawling in Italian cave give clues to ancient humans' social behavior - Tue 14 May 19

Evidence of crawling in an Italian cave system sheds new light on how late Stone Age humans behaved as a group, especially when exploring new grounds, says a study published today in eLife.

Traces of crawling in Italian cave give clues to ancient humans' social behavior, ScienceDaily - Tue 14 May 19
Traces of crawling in Italian cave give clues to ancient humans' social behavior, Eurekalert - Tue 14 May 19

Humans crawled through a cave 14,000 years ago. We can still see their perfectly preserved footprints.

FOXNews - Wed 15 May 19

About 14,000 years ago, a party of five barefoot people — two adults, one preteen and two children — walked and even crawled through a dark passageway in a cave, according to a new study ...

Humans Crawled Through a Cave 14,000 Years Ago. We Can Still See Their Perfectly Preserved Footprints., Livescience - Tue 14 May 19

Stone Age families crawled on hand and foot through dark caves for FUN, study suggests

Daily Mail - Tue 14 May 19

Researchers studied 180 hand and footprints line the clay-rich floor of Italy’s cave of Bàsura in the famous Toirano caves, revealing how ancient humans explored narrow tunnels.

Foot, Hand Prints in Italian Cave Show Stone Age Exploration Outing

Laboratory Equipment - Mon 20 May 19

ArticleAn internal chamber that is now known as the “Hall of Mysteries" has been assessed in a new paper, showing what is likely the outing of a Stone Age family. Staff Author: Seth AugensteinTopics: Archaeology

Evidence suggests Stone Age family explored Italian cave on their hands, knees

UPI - Tue 14 May 19

Archaeologists have discovered 14,000-year-old evidence of a crawling expedition through an Italian cave.