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Possible evidence of an extrasolar object striking the Earth in 2014 - Wed 17 Apr 19

A pair of researchers has found possible evidence of an extrasolar object striking the Earth back in 2014. In their paper uploaded to the arXiv preprint server, Amir Siraj and Abraham Loeb describe ...

A 2014 meteor may have come from another solar system

ScienceNews - Tue 16 Apr 19

Scientists have identified a possible interstellar meteor, and think it could be one of millions that have visited Earth over the planet’s history.

An Alien Meteor May Have Burned Up in the Atmosphere in 2014

Extremetech - Thu 18 Apr 19

That small asteroid or comet may have traveled multiple light years from another solar system to burn up over the Pacific Ocean. The post An Alien Meteor May Have Burned Up in the Atmosphere ...

Mysterious interstellar meteor may have slammed into Earth in 2014

FOXNews - Wed 17 Apr 19

A new study suggests that the mysterious interstellar object Oumuamua isn't alone – and the other one disintegrated in Earth's atmosphere five years ago.

The first known meteor visiting from beyond our solar system may have reached the Earth in 2014

Daily Mail - Wed 17 Apr 19

Avi Loeb, a Harvard scientist who previously claimed 'Oumuamua may have been an alien spacecraft, looked at the data and claims the 2014 meteor came from another star system.

Sneaky interstellar meteor hit Earth, then hid in plain sight, Harvard prof says - CNET

CNET Cutting Edge - Tue 16 Apr 19

Avi Loeb, the professor behind the Oumuamua alien theory, has spotted a meteor from beyond the solar system hidden in a NASA database.

Interstellar meteor hit Earth five years ago, Harvard's Avi Loeb says - CNET

CNET Cutting Edge - Tue 16 Apr 19

The professor behind the Oumuamua alien theory has spotted a meteor from beyond the solar system for the first time, hidden in plain sight in a NASA database.

The First Known Interstellar Meteor May Have Hit Earth in 2014 - Tue 16 Apr 19

The first meteor to hit Earth from interstellar space — and the second observed interstellar visitor overall — may have just been discovered, a new study finds.

The First Known Interstellar Meteor May Have Hit Earth in 2014, Livescience - Tue 16 Apr 19

Are there more interstellar visitors like ‘Oumuamua out there?

Physicsworld Blog - Tue 16 Apr 19

NASA asteroid surveys have spotted about 90% of the “dinosaur killers” near Earth The post Are there more interstellar visitors like ‘Oumuamua out there? appeared first on Physics World.