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New wallaby-sized dinosaur identified from fossils found along Victorian coast

ABC Science - Tue 12 Mar 19

Fossilised jawbones found in rocks along Victoria's Gippsland coast have been identified as belonging to a new species of plant-eating dinosaur — the first of ...

New wallaby-sized dinosaur from the ancient Australian-Antarctic rift valley - Mon 11 Mar 19

A new, wallaby-sized herbivorous dinosaur has been identified from five fossilized upper jaws in 125 million year old rocks from the Cretaceous period of Victoria, southeastern Australia.

New wallaby-sized dinosaur from the ancient Australian-Antarctic rift valley, ScienceDaily - Mon 11 Mar 19
New wallaby-sized dinosaur from the ancient Australian-Antarctic rift valley, Eurekalert - Mon 11 Mar 19

Newly found Aussie dinosaur confirms diversity in ancient rift valley

Cosmos Magazine - Mon 11 Mar 19

The space between Australia and Antarctica was once rich with herbivorous life. Andrew Masterson reports.

New species of reptile discovered 'down under' from 125 million years ago was the size of a wallaby

Daily Mail - Mon 11 Mar 19

A new species of dinosaur the size of a wallaby has been found in Australia on a beach known as 'dinosaur graveyard' by experts from the University of New England.

New tiny dinosaur discovered in Australia

FOXNews - Mon 11 Mar 19

A new dinosaur species that lived 125 million years ago has been discovered in Australia, one so small, it was likely the size of a wallaby.

Wallaby-Size Dinosaur Discovered in Australia (Crikey!)

Livescience - Mon 11 Mar 19

This newly discovered dinosaur has an oddly shaped jaw.

Wallaby-Sized Dinosaur Identified in Australia - Mon 11 Mar 19

Newly discovered fossils may shed light on a long-vanished land that once connected Australia and Antarctica. University of New England (UNE) postdoctoral fellow Matt Herne identified 125 million-year-old ...

Scientists discovered a new 'wallaby-sized' dinosaur in Australia - CNET

CNET Cutting Edge - Mon 11 Mar 19

Apparently these small dinosaurs were "agile runners".