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Astronomers measured the Milky Way's mass — and it's 'on the beefier side'

ABC Science - Tue 12 Mar 19

Astronomers have come up with one of the most accurate measurements of the galaxy's mass yet — and as it turns out, it's "on the beefier side", clocking in at ...

Hubble and Gaia Measure the Weight of Our Milky Way Galaxy

Discover Magazine - Thu 7 Mar 19

Measuring the total mass of our home galaxy is a tough puzzle. It’s difficult to see it all at once, buried as we are within one of its spiral arms. And there’s a huge portion of the Milky ...

We now know how much the Milky Way weighs

MIT Technology Review - Thu 7 Mar 19

Hubble and Gaia accurately weigh the Milky Way - Thu 7 Mar 19

In a striking example of multi-mission astronomy, measurements from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and the ESA Gaia mission have been combined to improve the estimate of the mass of our ...

Hubble & Gaia accurately weigh the Milky Way, Eurekalert - Thu 7 Mar 19

New Study Says Our Galaxy Weighs 1.5 Trillion Solar Masses

Extremetech - Mon 11 Mar 19

Researchers from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) have managed to accurately measure the galaxy's mass including all the dark matter. They say the Milky Way weighs in at a hefty 1.5 trillion ...

NASA accurately calculates Milky Way's weight using Gaia, Hubble telescopes

FOXNews - Fri 8 Mar 19

Scientists have finally been able to accurately calculate the weight of the Milky Way, using the Hubble Space Telescope and the European Space Agency's Gaia observatory.

The weight of the Milky Way has finally been discovered

Daily Mail - Fri 8 Mar 19

ESO, based in Germany, and Hubble have joined forces to provide the best data for the weight of our galaxy. It is believed to weigh the same as 1.5 trillion suns and measures 256,000 light years ...

Hubble and Gaia revise the weight of the Milky Way - Thu 7 Mar 19

By tracking how globular clusters orbit our galaxy, astronomers have determined the Milky Way is some 1.5 trillion times the mass of the Sun.

What Does the Milky Way Weigh? Hubble and Gaia Investigate

SpaceDaily - Fri 8 Mar 19

Baltimore MD (SPX) Mar 08, 2019 We can't put the whole Milky Way on a scale, but astronomers have been able to come up with one of the most accurate measurements yet of our galaxy's mass, ...

What does the Milky Way weigh? Hubble and Gaia investigate, ScienceDaily - Thu 7 Mar 19
What does the Milky Way weigh? Hubble and Gaia investigate, Eurekalert - Thu 7 Mar 19