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52-million-year-old bird holds clues to perching evolution

Cosmos Magazine - Thu 7 Feb 19

Very early passerine adds to sparse fossil record. Nick Carne reports.

Earliest known seed-eating perching bird discovered in Fossil Lake, Wyoming - Thu 7 Feb 19

Most of the birds you've ever seen—sparrows, finches, robins, crows—have one crucial thing in common: they're all what scientists refer to as perching birds, or "passerines." The passerines ...

Earliest known seed-eating perching bird discovered in Fossil Lake, Wyoming, ScienceDaily - Thu 7 Feb 19

52-million-bird fossil found with feathers still attached

FOXNews - Fri 8 Feb 19

A 52-million-year fossil of a "perching bird" has been found in Wyoming with its feathers still attached, a discovery that "no one's ever seen before."

Ancestor to modern day sparrows and finches flew around Earth 52 million years ago

Daily Mail - Thu 7 Feb 19

Scientists at The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago discovered that an ancestor to the modern day crow, finch and robin was alive 52 million years ago but was 'extremely rare'.