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Tiny satellites could be 'guide stars' for huge next-generation telescopes - Fri 4 Jan 19

There are more than 3,900 confirmed planets beyond our solar system. Most of them have been detected because of their "transits"—instances when a planet crosses its star, momentarily blocking ...

Tiny satellites could be 'guide stars' for huge next-generation telescopes, SpaceDaily - Sat 5 Jan 19
Tiny satellites could be ‘guide stars’ for huge next-generation telescopes, Science Blog - Fri 4 Jan 19
Tiny satellites could be 'guide stars' for huge next-generation telescopes, Eurekalert - Fri 4 Jan 19
Tiny satellites could be 'guide stars' for huge next-generation telescopes, ScienceDaily - Fri 4 Jan 19

Researchers propose guiding large space telescopes with tiny satellites

Engadget - Fri 4 Jan 19

Using the recently retired Kepler space telescope, scientists have confirmed thousands of exoplanets, and as its successor TESS ramps up its search, we're poised to discover plenty ...

MIT Envisions ‘Guide Star’ Satellites to Stabilize Giant Telescopes

Extremetech - Fri 4 Jan 19

To get up close and personal, we're going to need extremely precise space telescopes. MIT scientists have proposed an innovative way to make sure those instruments remain calibrated and capable ...

Cubesats are potential guide stars for next-gen telescopes - Tue 8 Jan 19

MIT researchers develop mini satellites with lasers to act as reference light for investigation of exoplanets.

CubeSats could help calibrate future space telescopes

The Engineer - Mon 7 Jan 19

Research by engineers at MIT has outlined how small satellites and CubeSats could help calibrate space telescopes in orbit, thus helping to reduce costs. Segmented space telescopes such as the ...