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AI made them do it: Nvidia explores the what-if of training a model to draw new worlds

TechXplore - Wed 5 Dec 18

Here is a word string you can ponder: AI interactive graphics. Nvidia is the main act. The GPU brainiacs are fully behind a next chapter, "AI," for the graphics industry. Awesome things happen ...

AI neural network builds new virtual cities by studying real ones

New Atlas - Tue 4 Dec 18

To make virtual worlds feel more immersive, artists need to fill them with buildings, rocks, trees, and other objects. Creating and placing all those virtual objects quickly adds up ...

AI software can dream up an entire digital world from a simple sketch

MIT Technology Review - Mon 3 Dec 18

Creating a lifelike digital scene normally requires a skill, creativity, and patience. Now we can just offload the work to an AI algorithm.

NVIDIA’s AI Can Generate Virtual Landscapes Using Real-World Videos

Ubergizmo - Mon 3 Dec 18

In the past when developers wanted to create virtual landscapes of cities, they would have to create every building individually which can be a long and painstaking process. However it seems ...

Nvidia AI Can Render Complete Urban Environments in Unreal Engine 4

Extremetech - Mon 3 Dec 18

Today, an AI can recognize objects in photos or help generate realistic computer speech, but Nvidia has successfully built a neural network that can create an entire virtual world with the help ...

Nvidia showcases an AI-rendered, interactive virtual world

Techspot - Mon 3 Dec 18

PC gaming hardware has always been a priority for Nvidia, but the company has begun to dedicate more and more of its resources towards the artificial intelligence industry over the past couple ...

NVIDIA Uses AI To Create Immersive Virtual Game Worlds From Real World Video

HotHardware - Mon 3 Dec 18

It's said that seeing is believing, but can you always believe what you see? That's a question that will come up more and more as companies like NVIDIA push the envelope with graphics rendering ...

NVIDIA's new AI turns videos of the real world into virtual landscapes

Engadget - Mon 3 Dec 18

Attendees of this year's NeurIPS AI conference in Montreal can spend a few moments driving through a virtual city, courtesy of NVIDIA. While that normally wouldn't be much ...

Nvidia has created the first video game demo using AI-generated graphics

The Verge - Mon 3 Dec 18

The recent boom in artificial intelligence has produced impressive results in a somewhat surprising realm: the world of image and video generation. The latest example comes from ...