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Fern plant infusion may have kept the doctor away in Medieval Europe - Mon 5 Nov 18

The remains of a medieval skeleton has shown the first physical evidence that a fern plant could have been used for medicinal purposes in cases such as alopecia, dandruff and kidney stones.

Fern plant infusion keeps the doctor away in Medieval Europe, ScienceDaily - Mon 5 Nov 18
Fern plant infusion keeps the doctor away in Medieval Europe, Eurekalert - Mon 5 Nov 18

Body of male dating back to medieval times shows that fern leaf was used to cure dandruff

Daily Mail - Mon 5 Nov 18

Archaeologists have found the body of a male aged between 20-30 buried in the necropolis of Can Reiners on the Spanish Balearic islands which had traces of the cells found on the underside of ...