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Under attack from caterpillars, plants flash a warning signal

Cosmos Magazine - Thu 13 Sep 18

Calcium channel signals are quick to respond. Ben Lewis reports.

Blazes of light reveal how plants signal danger long distances - Thu 13 Sep 18

In one video, you can see a hungry caterpillar, first working around a leaf's edges, approaching the base of the leaf and, with one last bite, severing it from the rest of the plant. Within ...

Blazes of light reveal how plants signal danger long distances, Science Blog - Mon 17 Sep 18
Blazes of light reveal how plants signal danger long distances, ScienceDaily - Thu 13 Sep 18

Scientists show how plants communicate — and it looks amazing

ZME Science - Fri 14 Sep 18

I could watch these videos all day.

Plants have feelings too! Shrub leaves warn their neighbours of danger through a nervous system

Daily Mail - Fri 14 Sep 18

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin were investigating how plants respond to the effects of gravity when they stumbled across their find.

Blazes of Light Reveal How Plants Signal Danger

Laboratory Equipment - Fri 14 Sep 18

NewsResearchers found a blaze of fluorescent light washing over plant leaves while being eaten by a caterpillar, signaling danger of future attacks.Contributed Author: University of Wisconsin-MadisonTopics: Bioscience ...