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AI Detects 72 Fast Radio Bursts Coming from a Distant, Unknown Source

Discover Magazine - Tue 11 Sep 18

Blazing across the sky for mere milliseconds, fast radio bursts (FRBs) are among the newest and most puzzling astronomical phenomenon. They come from extreme distances and appear without any ...

Artificial intelligence helps track down mysterious cosmic radio bursts - Mon 10 Sep 18

Artificial intelligence is invading many fields, most recently astronomy and the search for intelligent life in the universe, or SETI.

Artificial intelligence helps track down mysterious cosmic radio bursts, Science Blog - Tue 11 Sep 18
Artificial intelligence helps track down mysterious cosmic radio bursts, Eurekalert - Mon 10 Sep 18

AI used to spot dozens of mysterious signals coming from deep in space

The Independent - Mon 10 Sep 18

Fast radio bursts are among the most mysterious phenomena in the universe, and some have suggested they could be coming from alien technology

'Mysterious radio bursts' in outer space detected by alien-hunting artificial intelligence

FOXNews - Tue 11 Sep 18

Unusual and "mysterious radio bursts" have been detected 3 billion light years away from Earth, thanks to an artificial intelligence program at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

More Mysterious Bursts of Light From Deep Space Found

Extremetech - Tue 11 Sep 18

The new AI-powered analysis detected more than three times as many FRBs than previous scans showed. The post More Mysterious Bursts of Light From Deep Space Found appeared first on ExtremeTech.

SETI project uses AI to track down mysterious light source

ZME Science - Tue 11 Sep 18

Scientists are still in the dark but the new insights place them a step closer to the source of fast radio bursts.

AI Detects More Mysterious Cosmic Radio Bursts - Tue 11 Sep 18

Is artificial intelligence the key to communicating with aliens? Researchers used machine learning to discover 72 new fast radio bursts from a mysterious source 3 billion light years from Earth. ...

Mysterious Light Flashes Are Coming from Deep Space, and AI Just Found More of Them - Tue 11 Sep 18

Last year's mysterious outburst of deep-space light flashes was even more frenzied than previously thought, a new study reports.

SETI neural networks spot dozens of new mysterious signals emanating from distant galaxy

TechCrunch - Mon 10 Sep 18

The perennial optimists at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI, have joined the rest of the world in deploying AI to help manage huge datasets — and their efforts almost ...

AI analyzing telescope data discovers 72 new fast radio bursts from billions of light-years away

Daily Mail - Mon 10 Sep 18

Using machine learning techniques to analyze data from Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, Breakthrough Listen 72 fast radio bursts coming from an object known as ‘the repeater.’ ...

AI detects 72 fast radio bursts from a distant, unknown source - Tue 11 Sep 18

Machine learning technology can help astronomers identify signals amidst the noise of the universe.

Artificial Intelligence Helps Breakthrough Listen Find New Fast Radio Bursts

Astrobiology Magazine - Mon 10 Sep 18

Machine learning algorithms applied to Listen data from the Green Bank Telescope find new pulses from the mysterious repeating source FRB 121102. Machine learning algorithm also helping Listen ...