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MIT trains AI to track people's movements through walls

New Atlas - Tue 12 Jun 18

In 2013, an MIT team found a way to see through walls using WiFi radio signals and in 2015 they could see well enough to identify individuals. Now, led by Dina Katabi from the MIT Computer ...

We can now use AI to see through walls

MIT Technology Review - Tue 12 Jun 18

AI senses people's pose through walls

TechXplore - Tue 12 Jun 18

X-ray vision has long seemed like a far-fetched sci-fi fantasy, but over the last decade a team led by Professor Dina Katabi from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory ...

AI senses people's pose through walls, ScienceDaily - Tue 12 Jun 18
AI senses people’s pose through walls, Science Blog - Tue 12 Jun 18
AI senses people's pose through walls, Eurekalert - Tue 12 Jun 18

X-ray vision is one step closer to reality thanks to artificial intelligence

Techspot - Thu 14 Jun 18

Researchers with MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have been working for the better part of a decade on refining technology that effectively grants X-ray ...

Artificial Intelligence Can Sense Humans Through Walls - Thu 14 Jun 18

At this rate, Kryptonians and Daxamites won’t be the only ones with X-ray vision. A team from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) are another step ...

AI technology uses radio signals to 'see through walls'

Daily Mail - Wed 13 Jun 18

Scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created a system that uses radio frequencies to sense movement, allowing it to 'watch' people when they are obscured from view. ...

MIT’s New AI Can See Through Walls

Extremetech - Wed 13 Jun 18

The system, known as RF-Pose, uses a neural network and radio signals to track people through an environment and generate wireframe models in real time. The post MIT’s New AI Can See ...

New technology can see your body through walls

TechCrunch - Tue 12 Jun 18

MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory has created a system that can see your body through walls, recreating your poses when you walk, sit, or simply stand still. ...

Video of the week: AI sees through walls to assist people with degenerative illnesses

The Engineer - Thu 14 Jun 18

This week’s video comes from MIT where researchers are using AI to see through walls in order to improve the lives of people with degenerative illnesses. Dubbed RF-Pose, the latest advance ...

Forget X-Ray Vision. You Can See Through Walls With Radio

Wired Science - Tue 12 Jun 18

Researchers at MIT, actualizers of all things science fiction, have taken a different tack to seeing through walls: radio waves.

Move over, Superman—scientists figured out a way to see people through walls

Fastcompany Tech - Tue 12 Jun 18

New technology can see through walls. No word yet on whether Krytonite can repel it. Windows aren’t the only way to see through walls anymore.Read Full Story