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Surviving climate change, then and now - Mon 16 Apr 18

Trade and social networking helped our Homo sapiens ancestors survive a climate-changing volcanic eruption 40,000 years ago, giving hope that we will be able to ride out global warming by staying ...

Surviving Climate Change, Then and Now, Laboratory Equipment - Mon 16 Apr 18
Surviving climate change, then and now, Science Blog - Mon 16 Apr 18
Surviving climate change, then and now, ScienceDaily - Mon 16 Apr 18
Surviving climate change, then and now, Eurekalert - Mon 16 Apr 18

Archaeologists: Early Europeans Prospered Despite Abrupt Climate Change

Watts Up With That? - Mon 16 Apr 18

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Archaeologists have overturned theories that climate change caused by a nearby super volcano eruption killed early European settlers. First Europeans survived climate ...