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Amazon fish challenges mutation idea

BBC News - Tue 13 Feb 18

Study of an Amazon fish has challenged ideas about how DNA gathers deadly mutations over time.

Good golly, miss molly!

Cosmos Magazine - Mon 12 Feb 18

Asexual fish species confounds expectations and genetic predictions. Stephen Fleischfresser reports.

Despite odds, fish species that bypasses sexual reproduction is thriving - Mon 12 Feb 18

The very rare animals that reproduce asexually—only about one in 1,000 of all living vertebrate species—are thought to be at an evolutionary disadvantage compared with their sexually reproduced ...

Despite Odds, Fish Species That Bypasses Sexual Reproduction is Thriving, Laboratory Equipment - Tue 13 Feb 18
Despite odds, fish species that bypasses sexual reproduction is thriving, Eurekalert - Mon 12 Feb 18
Despite Odds, Fish Species That Bypasses Sexual Reproduction Is Thriving, Newswise - Mon 12 Feb 18

Girl power: life's going swimmingly for all-female fish species

Reuters - Mon 12 Feb 18

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An all-female freshwater fish species called the Amazon molly that inhabits rivers and creeks along the Texas-Mexico border is living proof that sexual reproduction may ...

How an all-female fish species evades extinction

The Hindu - Tue 13 Feb 18

The fish Amazon molly exhibits a unique genetic variability.

International team sequences first Amazon molly fish genome

Eurekalert - Mon 12 Feb 18

No species is immune from the suffering of unrequited love, but scientists expect to learn volumes about the biological basis of sex from the newly sequenced genome of an all-female, asexual ...

No sex for all-female fish species

ScienceDaily - Mon 12 Feb 18

They reproduce through gynogenesis. Their offspring are clones of the mother. According to established theories, the Amazon molly should have become extinct a long time ago. A new study shows ...

No sex for all-female fish species, Eurekalert - Mon 12 Feb 18
No sex for all-female fish species, AlphaGalileo - Mon 12 Feb 18