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Modeling Uncertainty Helps MIT's Drone Zip Around Obstacles

IEEE Spectrum - Mon 12 Feb 18

This drone keeps track of what it doesn't know to quickly plan aggressive maneuvers

Programming drones to fly in the face of uncertainty

TechXplore - Mon 12 Feb 18

Companies like Amazon have big ideas for drones that can deliver packages right to your door. But, even putting aside the policy issues, programming drones to fly through cluttered spaces like ...

Programming drones to fly in the face of uncertainty, ScienceDaily - Mon 12 Feb 18
Programming drones to fly in the face of uncertainty, Science Blog - Mon 12 Feb 18
Programming drones to fly in the face of uncertainty, Eurekalert - Mon 12 Feb 18

MIT teaches drones to fly with uncertainty

TechCrunch - Wed 14 Feb 18

 MIT researchers are working on a new steering system for drones that uses uncertainty to ensure that they don’t hit obstacles as they fly autonomously. The system is a bit complex ...

MIT Mapping System Makes Drones Self-Aware - Mon 12 Feb 18

If drone deliveries are the future, NanoMap is the present. MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) developed a system that allows drones to consistently ...

A little uncertainty can help drones dodge obstacles at high speeds, says MIT

The Verge - Mon 12 Feb 18

For drones trying to navigate a busy environment like a warehouse or a forest at high speed, the ability to know exactly where they are at all times would seem pretty essential. Not ...

MIT CSAIL’s drone is never quite sure where it is

Engadget - Mon 12 Feb 18

The current generation of autonomous drone navigation and flightpath planning systems are almost too precise, demanding hundreds of measurements be taken so that the UAV knows exactly ...

MIT drone uses NanoMap tech for high speed navigation of cluttered environments

The Engineer - Mon 12 Feb 18

Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have developed NanoMap, a drone navigation system that enables the high speed navigation of cluttered ...