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Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays have extra-galactic origins

Physics World - Thu 21 Sep 17

Pierre Auger Observatory homes in on mystery sources

Far-off galaxies are firing rare high-energy cosmic rays at us

Newscientist - Thu 21 Sep 17

The highest energy particles in the universe hit Earth very rarely, so it took 10 years of data to pinpoint their origin. They’re coming from galaxies far, far away

High-energy cosmic rays come from outside our Galaxy

Nature News - Thu 21 Sep 17

Giant observatory announces long-awaited result.

Fast-moving particles bombarding Earth come from distant galaxies

Cosmos Magazine - Thu 21 Sep 17

Tiny, rare and challenging to measure, atomic nuclei from outside the Milky Way are the focus of intense and expensive research. Michael Lucy reports.

New angle on cosmic rays

Science Now - Thu 21 Sep 17

Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays come from outside the Milky Way

ScienceNews - Thu 21 Sep 17

The biggest cosmic ray haul ever points toward other galaxies as the source of the rays, not our own.

Detecting cosmic rays from a galaxy far, far away - Thu 21 Sep 17

In an article published today in the journal Science, the Pierre Auger Collaboration has definitively answered the question of whether cosmic particles from outside the Milky Way Galaxy. The ...

Detecting cosmic rays from a galaxy far, far away, SpaceDaily - Wed 27 Sep 17
Detecting Cosmic Rays from a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Newswise - Thu 21 Sep 17
Detecting cosmic rays from a galaxy far, far away, ScienceDaily - Thu 21 Sep 17

Possible explanation for the galaxy's cosmic radiation - Wed 20 Sep 17

Cassiopeia A is a famous supernova remnant, the product of a gigantic explosion of a massive star about 350 years ago. Although discovered in radio observations 50 years ago, we now know that ...

Scientists have hypothesized that cosmic rays might originate in the Milky Way, but a dozen years of observational data points to extragalactic origins.

Discovery News - Mon 25 Sep 17

Credit: Pierre Auger ObservatorySomething out in space has been bombarding Earth with incredibly high energy particles called cosmic rays. The origin of cosmic rays has been ...

Mysterious high-energy cosmic rays fire from outside the galaxy

ZME Science - Fri 22 Sep 17

The brightest cosmic rays don't seem to be from the same neighborhood.

High-energy cosmic rays come from beyond our galaxy

Daily Mail - Fri 22 Sep 17

The rays, consisting of energetic sub-atomic particles, may be born from violent events millions of light years outside our galaxy The discovery was made by the Pierre Auger Observatory in ...

Most Powerful Cosmic Rays Come from Galaxies Far, Far Away - Thu 21 Sep 17

The highest-energy cosmic rays to bombard Earth apparently come from galaxies far, far away, a new study finds.

The most energetic cosmic rays pelting Earth are coming from outside our galaxy

The Verge - Thu 21 Sep 17

Astronomers have finally solved a long-standing mystery about the origins of cosmic rays, the highly energetic particles that zoom throughout space. For half a century, scientists ...

The universe's most energetic particles have traveled a long way

Engadget - Thu 21 Sep 17

The origin of cosmic rays has been a mystery to scientists since their detection over fifty years ago. One of the prevailing theories is that they come from the center of our galaxy. ...

The proof is out there: extragalactic origins for cosmic rays - Mon 25 Sep 17

After nearly 50 years, researchers show the highest-energy cosmic rays have extragalactic origins.

Observatory Detects Extragalactic Cosmic Rays Hitting Earth

Laboratory Equipment - Fri 22 Sep 17

NewsFifty years ago, scientists discovered that the Earth is occasionally hit by cosmic rays of enormous energies. Since then, they have argued about the source of those ultra-high energy cosmic ...

Highest-energy cosmic rays have extragalactic origin

SpaceDaily - Tue 26 Sep 17

Paris, France (SPX) Sep 24, 2017 A 50-year-old debate has at last been settled: the highest-energy cosmic rays do not originate in our own Galaxy but in galaxies located tens or even hundreds ...

Highest-energy cosmic rays have extragalactic origin, Science Blog - Sat 23 Sep 17
Highest-energy cosmic rays have extragalactic origin, Eurekalert - Fri 22 Sep 17
Highest-energy cosmic rays have extragalactic origin , AlphaGalileo - Fri 22 Sep 17

From galaxies far far away!

Eurekalert - Fri 22 Sep 17

In a paper to be published in Science on 22 September, the Pierre Auger Collaboration reports observational evidence demonstrating that cosmic rays with energies a million times greater than ...

Observatory Detects Extragalactic Cosmic Rays Hitting the Earth

Newswise - Fri 22 Sep 17

Fifty years ago, scientists discovered that the Earth is occasionally hit by cosmic rays of enormous energies. Since then, they have argued about the source of those ultra-high energy cosmic ...

Observatory detects extragalactic cosmic rays hitting the Earth, Eurekalert - Fri 22 Sep 17