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Signs of life

Cosmos Magazine - Wed 13 Sep 17

541 million years ago, some of the earliest mobile organisms left these tracks in the mud.

Half-billion-year-old fossils were left by the earliest complex lifeforms

New Atlas - Tue 12 Sep 17

It's hard to get a bearing on the kind of organisms that existed before life absolutely exploded onto the scene during the Cambrian Period. Fossils from the Ediacaran Period before that ...

Tiny worm burrows may reveal when first complex animals evolved

Newscientist - Mon 11 Sep 17

Microscopic fossil burrows found in ancient rocks reveal that small worm-like animals existed more than half a billion years ago

Half-a-billion-year-old fossils shed light animal evolution on earth - Mon 11 Sep 17

Scientists have discovered traces of life more than half-a-billion years old that could change the way we think about how all animals evolved on earth.

Half-a-billion-year-old fossils shed light animal evolution on earth, Astrobiology Magazine - Wed 13 Sep 17
Half-a-billion-year-old fossils shed light animal evolution on Earth, ScienceDaily - Mon 11 Sep 17
Half-a-billion-year-old fossils shed light animal evolution on earth, Eurekalert - Mon 11 Sep 17

New fossils could change understanding of animal evolution

Daily Mail - Mon 11 Sep 17

Researchers discovered the fossils in the Corumbá region of western Brazil. The 'trace' fossils are not physical remains such as bones or body parts, but the tracks and burrows left by roundworm ...