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Nanoparticles turn a clear window into a mirror and back again

New Atlas - Mon 11 Sep 17

Creating a material that can alter its optical properties in real time has proved challenging for scientists, but a team at Imperial College London has finally achieved a major breakthrough ...

Gold nanoparticles turn mirrors into windows at the touch of a switch

Cosmos Magazine - Mon 11 Sep 17

By using electrical current to change the spacing of a layer of floating nanoparticles, researchers can change its reflectivity at will, writes Andrew Masterson.

Self-assembling nanoparticle arrays can switch between a mirror and a window - Mon 11 Sep 17

By finely tuning the distance between nanoparticles in a single layer, researchers have made a filter that can change between a mirror and a window.

Self-assembling nanoparticle arrays can switch between a mirror and a window, ScienceDaily - Tue 12 Sep 17

Self-assembling gold nanoparticles created at Imperial

Daily Mail - Mon 11 Sep 17

Researchers at Imperial College in London can change how much light is reflected from a material using gold nanoparticles placed between two liquids.

New Tunable Nanoparticle Layer can Switch Between a Mirror and Window

AZoNano - Tue 12 Sep 17

Researchers have made a filter capable of changing between a window and a mirror by finely tuning the distance between nanoparticles in a single layer. With the help of this development, ...