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Creating music by mind power

New Atlas - Mon 11 Sep 17

Imagine if you were musically gifted yet paralyzed, so you had great difficulty writing down or performing the melodies that you thought up. Well, scientists at Austria's Graz University ...

Brain Composer—'thinking' melodies onto a musical score - Mon 11 Sep 17

TU Graz researchers develop new brain-computer interface application that allows music to be composed by the power of thought. They have published their results in the current issue of the journal ...

Brain signals are recorded with an electroencephalogram worn on the head like a swim cap, which allows the wearer to select musical notes and tones displayed on a computer screen.

Discovery News - Mon 18 Sep 17

Imagine being “locked in” with a neurodegenerative disease like late-stage ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) or being completely paralyzed by a traumatic spinal cord injury. You could still think ...

'Brain-computer' composes music by reading people's minds

Daily Mail - Mon 11 Sep 17

Researchers have discovered how to compose music and transfer it into a musical score using only the power of thought with a new brain-controlled interface application.

Brain Composer: 'Thinking' melodies onto a musical score

ScienceDaily - Mon 11 Sep 17

A new brain-computer interface application that allows music to be composed by the power of thought has now been developed by scientists.

Brain Composer: 'Thinking' melodies onto a musical score, Eurekalert - Mon 11 Sep 17
Brain Composer: “thinking” melodies onto a musical score, AlphaGalileo - Mon 11 Sep 17