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What Would It Take to Wipe Out All Life on Earth?

Discover Magazine - Mon 17 Jul 17

The first exoplanet was spotted in 1988. Since then more than 3,000 planets have been found outside our solar system, and it’s thought that around 20 percent of Sun-like stars have an Earth-like ...

We Worked Out What It Would Take to Wipe Out All Life on a Planet—and It’s Good News for Alien Hunters, SingularityHub - Mon 17 Jul 17

Water bears will survive the end of the world as we know it

ScienceNews - Fri 14 Jul 17

Water bears have a till-death-do-us-part pact with the sun, study suggests.

Utterly unkillable tardigrades will live to see our Sun die

New Atlas - Fri 14 Jul 17

In about 5 billion years' time, our Sun will use up its reserves of hydrogen and begin to cool down and expand, cooking the Earth in a miasma of heat and radiation. Given our current ...

Tardigrades: The last survivors on Earth - Fri 14 Jul 17

The world's most indestructible species, the tardigrade, an eight-legged micro-animal, also known as the water bear, will survive until the Sun dies, according to a new Oxford University collaboration.

Indestructible tardigrades will live until the dying Sun boils Earth’s oceans

Cosmos Magazine - Fri 14 Jul 17

A new analysis of cosmic cataclysms suggests that tardigrades may live another 5 billion years, even if humans and other animals aren’t so lucky.

Tardigrades could probably survive the otherwise complete annihilation of life on Earth

Popular Science - Fri 14 Jul 17

Animals Water bear don't care. Water bear don't care. Meet our planet's future overlords.

This eight-legged creature could be Earth's sole survivor -- and help search for aliens

FOXNews - Fri 14 Jul 17

Cockroaches can survive a nuclear winter, but the "water bear" could outlive everything — at least until the Sun dies.

Meet the hideous creature that will live to the end of the world

USA today - Fri 14 Jul 17

Tardigrades — the world's most indestructible species — will survive until the sun dies, according to a study released Friday.        

8-Legged Extremophile Freaks Will Outlive Humanity (& Maybe the Sun) - Fri 14 Jul 17

The eight-legged micro-animal called a tardigrade could survive nearly all the way until the death of the sun, a new study suggests — long after humans are history.

8-Legged Extremophile Freaks Will Outlive Humanity (& Maybe the Sun), Livescience - Fri 14 Jul 17

Tardigrades will be the last survivors on Earth

Daily Mail - Fri 14 Jul 17

Researchers from the University of Oxford found that tardigrades will exist for at least ten billion years and could live through an asteroid strike or the impact of a close-by exploding star. ...

Water bears may be the last species alive when the sun dies

Engadget - Fri 14 Jul 17

We often talk about whether human beings can survive a cataclysmic space event, such as a large asteroid hitting the Earth. But even if we're wiped out, other life will go on. ...

This tiny creature can survive the risk of extinction posed from all known major astrophysical catastrophes, and suggests what one potential form of extraterrestrial life might look like.

Discovery News - Fri 14 Jul 17

Credit: Science Picture Co.After a massive asteroid slammed into Earth 66 million years ago, an estimated three-quarters of all plant and animal species went extinct. While ...

The last survivors on Earth

Watts Up With That? - Sun 16 Jul 17

From Eurekalert Public Release: 14-Jul-2017 University of Oxford The world’s most indestructible species, the tardigrade, an eight-legged micro-animal, also known as the water bear, will ...

The last survivors on Earth, Astrobiology Magazine - Sun 16 Jul 17
The Last Survivors on Earth, Laboratory Equipment - Fri 14 Jul 17
The last survivors on Earth, SpaceDaily - Wed 19 Jul 17
The last survivors on Earth, ScienceDaily - Fri 14 Jul 17
The last survivors on Earth, Eurekalert - Fri 14 Jul 17

Tardigrades will be the last surviving creatures on earth after the sun dies

Inhabitat - Fri 14 Jul 17

In the event that Earth is struck by an asteroid, the sun goes supernova or the planet is soaked in gamma ray bursts in an extreme energetic explosion, the last surviving creatures won't be ...