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Ant colonies flow like fluid to build tall towers

Nature News - Wed 12 Jul 17

Insects' structural secrets offer model for designing swarm robots.

Ants build living towers that flow to fight endless collapse

Newscientist - Tue 11 Jul 17

The rules that guide fire ants to make tall towers with their own bodies could be applied to miniature search-and-rescue robots

Fire ants self-organise to build towers to reach safety

Cosmos Magazine - Tue 11 Jul 17

A new study shows how individual fire ants follow simple rules to achieve dramatic collective action.

Ants build sinking Eiffel Towers when trying to escape - Tue 11 Jul 17

If you want to see the Eiffel Tower, you don't have to go to Paris. Just look down at your feet —but watch your step.

See Fire Ants Create Towers From Their Own Bodies

National Geographic - Fri 14 Jul 17

How fire ants build the wriggling ant towers of your nightmares

The Verge - Wed 12 Jul 17

After a flood, thousands of homeless fire ants pile on top of one another to build bizarro towers with their own bodies — probably as temporary shelters. All the complex construction ...

Fire Ants Build Sinking 'Eiffel Towers' from Their Own Bodies

Livescience - Wed 12 Jul 17

Fire ants can build miniature look-alikes of the Eiffel Tower from their own bodies, and the insects perpetually rebuild the structures to save them from collapsing, a new study finds.

Fire ants uses their bodies to build huge 'Eiffel Towers'

Daily Mail - Tue 11 Jul 17

Research from Georgia Tech University in Atlanta found that each ant wanders around aimlessly following a certain set of rules until it unknowingly helps construct a tower several inches tall. ...