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India to move all zoo elephants to wildlife parks - Fri 13 Nov 09

(AP) -- All elephants living in Indian zoos and circuses will be moved to wildlife parks and game sanctuaries where the animals can graze more freely, officials said Friday.

India to Move All Zoo Elephants to Wildlife Parks, U.S. News - Fri 13 Nov 09
India to move all zoo elephants to wildlife parks, AP - Fri 13 Nov 09
India to move all zoo elephants to wildlife parks, AXS - Fri 13 Nov 09

Indian elephants to go from zoos

BBC News - Thu 12 Nov 09

The Central Zoo Authority in India confirms to the BBC that elephants will no longer be allowed to be kept by zoos or circuses in the country.

India To Move Zoo Elephants To Protected Parks

RedOrbit - Sat 14 Nov 09

Officials in India said Friday that all elephants residing in the nation?s zoos and circuses will be relocated to game sanctuaries where they can roam more freely.Some 140 elephants in 26 zoos ...