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Adding a twist to radio technology

Nature News - Fri 2 Mar 12

Spiralling radio waves could revolutionize telecommunications.

Pasta-shaped radio waves beamed across Venice - Fri 2 Mar 12

A group of Italian and Swedish researchers appears to have solved the problem of radio congestion by cleverly twisting radio waves into the shape of fusilli pasta, allowing a potentially infinite ...

Pasta-shaped radio waves beamed across Venice, R&D Mag - Fri 2 Mar 12
Pasta-shaped radio waves beamed across Venice, e! Science News - Fri 2 Mar 12
Pasta-shaped radio waves beamed across Venice, ScienceDaily - Fri 2 Mar 12

'Twisted' waves could boost wi-fi

BBC News - Fri 2 Mar 12

Researchers describe a completely new way to pack information into radio, TV, and wi-fi signals - shown off at a public experiment in Venice.

Scientists demo radio wave "twisting" to increase bandwidth

Techspot - Fri 2 Mar 12

A group of Italian and Swedish researchers claim to have found a way to dramatically boost the information-carrying capacity of radio waves by employing a technique called "orbital angular momentum." ...

Pasta-Shaped Radio Waves Do The Twist

Discovery News - Fri 2 Mar 12

Transmitting radio waves with a twisted shape could allow more data to be sent on the same channel.

Pasta-shaped radio waves allow for an INFINITE number of channels to be broadcast and received

Daily Mail - Fri 2 Mar 12

Researchers from the University of Padova, Italy, believe that they have solved the problem of radio congestion after beaming fusilli-shaped waves across Venice.

Scientists develop method of twisting radio waves

The Engineer - Thu 1 Mar 12

A method for generating and detecting elaborately twisted radiowaves could lead to an explosion in the number of available communication channels.

Researchers Bend Radio Waves Into Pasta Shapes

RedOrbit - Fri 2 Mar 12

Researchers have solved the problem of radio congestion by twisting radio waves into the shape of fusilli pasta. Scientists reported in the Institute of Physics and German Physical Society's ...