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When snakes had legs

Cosmos Magazine - Wed 20 Nov 19

Fossil analysis adds more pieces to the evolutionary puzzle.

New fossils shed light on how snakes got their bite and lost their legs - Wed 20 Nov 19

New fossils of an ancient legged snake, called Najash, shed light on the origin of the slithering reptiles.

New fossils shed light on how snakes got their bite and lost their legs, Eurekalert - Wed 20 Nov 19

Snakes had hind legs for 70 million years

ZME Science - Mon 25 Nov 19

A biblical-like ancient snake is revealing new insights into snake evolution.

Fossil reveals how ancient reptiles had limbs and cheekbones for 100million years

Daily Mail - Thu 21 Nov 19

Researchers from Australia, Canada and Argentina worked on the study, which involved putting the remains of an ancient species of snake called Najesh through a CT scan.

Prehistoric snakes had limbs for 70M years, new study shows

FOXNews - Thu 21 Nov 19

Researchers have found fossilized evidence that snakes had limbs, as well as cheekbones, around 100 million years ago.

Beautifully Preserved Skull of 'Biblical Snake' with Hind Legs Discovered

Livescience - Wed 20 Nov 19

Scientists have unearthed an amazingly preserved skull of an ancient snake with hind limbs, revealing more about the origin of snakes and how they lost their legs.

Snakes had legs, cheek bones 100 million years ago

UPI - Thu 21 Nov 19

The discovery of the fossilized remains of an ancient primitive snake species suggests rear-legged snakes living during the Cretaceous Period still had a cheek bone.

How Snakes Got Their Bite But Lost Their Legs

Science 2.0 - Thu 21 Nov 19

The evolution of the snake body has captivated researchers for a long time because it represents one of the most dramatic examples of the vertebrate body's ability to adapt. A limited fossil ...

An ancient snake's cheekbone sheds light on evolution of modern snake skulls

ScienceDaily - Wed 20 Nov 19

Palaeontologists adds a new piece to the puzzle of snake evolution.

An ancient snake's cheekbone sheds light on evolution of modern snake skulls, Eurekalert - Wed 20 Nov 19