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World's biggest amphibian 'discovered' in museum

BBC News - Mon 16 Sep 19

DNA from historical museum specimens may help save the giant salamander from extinction in the wild.

New species of giant salamander is the world's largest amphibian

Newscientist - Mon 16 Sep 19

The South China giant salamander, one of two new species of giant salamander, may grow to be almost 2 metres long - making it the worlds largest amphibian

New species of giant salamander is world's biggest amphibian - Mon 16 Sep 19

Using DNA from museum specimens collected in the early 20th century, researchers from ZSL (Zoological Society of London) and London's Natural History Museum identified two new species of giant ...

New species of giant salamander is world's biggest amphibian, ScienceDaily - Mon 16 Sep 19
New species of giant salamander is world's biggest amphibian, Eurekalert - Mon 16 Sep 19

‘Misidentified’ Giant Salamander Could Be World’s Biggest Amphibian - Tue 17 Sep 19

A newly-identified salamander found in a London museum could be the world's biggest amphibian. (Photo Credit: Ben Tapley / ZSL) A museum specimen that ...

Scientists discover the 'world's biggest amphibian'

Daily Mail - Tue 17 Sep 19

Researchers from the Zoological Society of London and the Natural History Museum used DNA from 17 museum specimens and wild salamanders, revealing three genetic lineages.

Meet the largest amphibian species — it’s been a museum for 74 years

ZME Science - Mon 16 Sep 19

The world's museum host numerous important findings just waiting to be analyzed.

Newly described Chinese giant salamander may be world’s largest amphibian - Tue 17 Sep 19

The Chinese giant salamander, which reaches lengths of more than 5 feet (1.6 meters), enjoys the title of being the world’s largest living species of amphibian. However, the critically endangered ...