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Using CRISPR to program gels with new functions - Fri 23 Aug 19

The CRISPR genome-editing system is best-known for its potential to correct disease-causing mutations and add new genes into living cells. Now, a team from MIT and Harvard University has deployed ...

CRISPR cuts turn gels into biological watchdogs

Nature News - Thu 22 Aug 19

Nature, Published online: 22 August 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02542-3Wunderkind gene-editing tool used to trigger smart materials that can deliver drugs and sense biological ...

Biomaterials smarten up with CRISPR - Thu 22 Aug 19

The CRISPR-Cas system has become the go-to tool for researchers who study genes in an ever-growing list of organisms, and is being used to develop new gene therapies that potentially can correct ...

Biomaterials smarten up with CRISPR, Eurekalert - Thu 22 Aug 19

Simple tweak reprograms DNA-responsive hydrogel smart materials

Physicsworld Blog - Thu 22 Aug 19

With a single RNA tweak, researchers produce user-friendly hydrogels that respond to different environmental triggers in various ways from chemical release to electrical fusing The post Simple ...