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Researchers turn to origami and Lego to build a better spacecraft

Cosmos Magazine - Sun 26 May 19

Cells mimicking folded paper can improve safety in a wide range of applications. Mark Bruer reports.

New Origami-inspired Design Turns Pushing Into Pulling

Discover Magazine - Fri 24 May 19

The series of paper cells developed by researchers at the University of Washington uses origami folds to absorb the force of impacts. (Credit: Kiyomi Taguchi/University of Washington) Whether ...

Origami-inspired materials could soften the blow for reusable spacecraft - Fri 24 May 19

Space vehicles like SpaceX's Falcon 9 are designed to be reusable. But this means that, like Olympic gymnasts hoping for a gold medal, they have to stick their landings.

Origami-inspired materials could soften the blow for reusable spacecraft, SpaceDaily - Tue 28 May 19
Origami-Inspired Materials Could Soften the Blow for Reusable Spacecraft, Newswise - Fri 24 May 19
Origami-inspired materials could soften the blow for reusable spacecraft, ScienceDaily - Fri 24 May 19
Origami-inspired materials could soften the blow for reusable spacecraft, Eurekalert - Fri 24 May 19

Fold This! Origami-Inspired Material Could Soften Spacecraft Landings - Thu 30 May 19

Future spacecraft and rockets may have softer landings thanks to technology inspired by origami, the Japanese art of folding.

Origami-inspired shock absorbers could help spacecrafts take the strain of their landings 

Daily Mail - Fri 24 May 19

A University of Washington team may have developed a novel solution to help reduce the force of impact on a launch craft.

Origami inspires impact resistant metamaterial

The Engineer - Tue 28 May 19

University of Washington researchers have taken inspiration from origami to develop a novel solution to help reduce impact forces in a range of applications. The team is said to have has created ...

Origami-inspired design may soon help cushion rocket landings - Fri 24 May 19

Whether applied to auto collisions or rocket landings, absorbing energy from impacts is a valuable trait, and industries have been working on various solutions for years. For spacecraft, landing ...

This magical metamaterial could revolutionize car safety and save lives

Fastcompany Tech - Fri 24 May 19

Scientists develop a metamaterial that can completely dissipate the force from an impact–and even turn it into a counterforce. Scientists at the University of Washington have created ...