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Table-top LIGO illustrates quantum breakthrough in gravitational wave hunt

Cosmos Magazine - Tue 2 Apr 19

Mirrors the size of pinpricks let researchers hear quantum noise at room temperature. Alan Duffy reports.

Researchers measure quantum behavior at room temperature, visible to the naked eye - Mon 25 Mar 19

Since the historic finding of gravitational waves from two black holes colliding over a billion light years away was made in 2015, physicists are advancing knowledge about the limits on the ...

Measurement of quantum back action in the audio band at room temperature

Nature News - Mon 25 Mar 19

Measurement of quantum back action in the audio band at room temperatureMeasurement of quantum back action in the audio band at room temperature, Published online: 25 March ...

Listening to the quantum vacuum

SpaceDaily - Mon 1 Apr 19

Baton Rouge LA (SPX) Mar 27, 2019 Since the historic finding of gravitational waves from two black holes colliding over a billion light years away was made in 2015, physicists are advancing ...

Listening to the quantum vacuum, ScienceDaily - Tue 26 Mar 19
Listening to the quantum vacuum, Eurekalert - Mon 25 Mar 19