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A cosmic flare called the ‘Cow’ may reveal a new way that stars die

ScienceNews - Mon 14 Jan 19

A burst of light from far away may have been an odd type of exploding star or a white dwarf being eaten by a black hole.

Holy cow! Mysterious blast studied with NASA telescopes - Fri 11 Jan 19

A brief and unusual flash spotted in the night sky on June 16, 2018, puzzled astronomers and astrophysicists across the globe. The event—called AT2018cow and nicknamed "the Cow" after the ...

Group of telescopes finds X-ray engine inside mysterious supernova - Fri 11 Jan 19

ESA's high-energy space telescopes Integral and XMM-Newton have helped to find a source of powerful X-rays at the centre of an unprecedentedly bright and rapidly evolving stellar explosion that ...

In a First, Astronomers Capture Birth of Black Hole or Neutron Star

Discover Magazine - Thu 10 Jan 19

Some 200 million years ago, not long after dinosaurs first appeared on Earth, a star collapsed in a nearby galaxy. The star's collapse triggered an ultra-bright explosion that sent radiation ...

Birth of a black hole or neutron star captured for first time - Thu 10 Jan 19

A Northwestern University-led international team is getting closer to understanding the mysteriously bright object that burst in the northern sky this summer.

Birth of a black hole or neutron star captured for first time, ScienceDaily - Thu 10 Jan 19

Interpreting the cosmic Cow

Cosmos Magazine - Thu 10 Jan 19

For the first time, the transformation of a star into a black hole has been caught on camera. Andrew Masterson reports.

Unusual supernova opens a rare window on the collapse of a star - Thu 10 Jan 19

An unusual supernova studied by multiple telescopes, including the SOAR telescope and other telescopes at the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) ...

Researchers may have witnessed the birth of a black hole

Engadget - Fri 11 Jan 19

Researchers believe they might have an explanation for an incredibly bright event that took place in a distant dwarf galaxy. Scientists observed it last June when the object in question ...

Mysterious 'Cow' Blast in Space May Reveal Birth of a Black Hole - Fri 11 Jan 19

A weirdly bright and brief blast dubbed "The Cow," which researchers first spotted last June, was likely generated by a newborn black hole or superdense stellar corpse called a neutron star, ...

Mysterious space 'Cow' explosion could be birth of black hole - CNET

CNET - Thu 10 Jan 19

The unusual space "Cow" continues to baffle astronomers but two new theories suggest black holes are to blame for the strange explosion.

This Exploding 'Cow' May Be the First Black Hole Birth Ever Observed

Livescience - Thu 10 Jan 19

Is this exploding "Cow" the first live birth of a black hole or neutron star ever seen from Earth?

For the first time, astronomers see the signatures of a newly birthed black hole or neutron star

The Verge - Thu 10 Jan 19

For the first time ever, astronomers have directly witnessed the birth of a super dense object far outside of our galaxy — the rise of either a black hole or a collapsed star ...

Birth of a black hole or neutron star is captured for the first time

Daily Mail - Thu 10 Jan 19

Experts from Northwestern University studying a celestial object called AT2018cow have concluded it may be the first time the formation of a new black hole or neutron star has been captured.

Collapsing star spotted turning into black hole or neutron star for the first time

UPI - Fri 11 Jan 19

Astronomers think a bright flash observed by telescopes last summer was created by a collapsing star.

Team of telescopes finds X-ray engine inside mysterious supernova

ESA - Thu 10 Jan 19

ESA’s high-energy space telescopes Integral and XMM-Newton have helped to find a source of powerful X-rays at the centre of an unprecedentedly bright and rapidly evolving stellar ...

Astronomers clock a black hole spinning at half the speed of light - Thu 10 Jan 19

Researchers have used X-rays to calculated how fast a black hole spins, something that might help them see what happens as black holes age.

Birth of a black hole or neutron star captured for the first time

Eurekalert - Thu 10 Jan 19

A Northwestern University-led international team of astronomers is getting closer to understanding the mysterious bright object that burst in the northern sky this summer, dubbed AT2018cow or ...