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Holey cow! Evidence of Stone Age veterinary 'surgery' - Thu 19 Apr 18

A hole in the skull of a Stone Age cow was likely made by humans about 5,000 years ago, probably by a primitive veterinarian or trainee surgeon, scientists said Thursday.

Hole-y Cow! Earliest Evidence of Cranial Surgery On Animals

Discover Magazine - Thu 19 Apr 18

The average cow needs cranial surgery like it needs a hole in the head, but for one ancient bovine, it appears that's exactly what the doctor ordered. Researchers describing a hole in the ...

Ancient skull suggests brain surgery on cows

Cosmos Magazine - Thu 19 Apr 18

A French find might mean Neolithic people practiced brain operations before trying them on humans. Jeff Glorfeld reports.

A cow cranium from the Neolithic Era appears to be the first evidence of either a veterinary procedure or a person practicing their human surgical skills on an animal.

Discovery News - Thu 19 Apr 18

Credit: Fernando Ramirez RozziThe history of early surgical techniques, from limb amputations to draining infected wounds, likely goes deep into antiquity and therefore is largely ...

Ancient humans were practicing brain surgery on cows 5,400 years ago

ZME Science - Thu 19 Apr 18

Ancient brain surgery -- now here's something I'd never have to say.

Humans Probably Practiced Brain Surgery on This Cow 5,000 Years Ago

Livescience - Thu 19 Apr 18

About 5,000 years ago, humans used crude stone tools to puncture a hole in a cow's head, making it the earliest known instance of skull surgery in an animal.

Massive holes found in a 5,400-year-old cow skull reveal early attempts at brain surgery

Daily Mail - Thu 19 Apr 18

The cow's skull is between 5,000 and 5,400 years old and was unearthed at a Neolithic site at Champ-Durand in France by the French National Centre for Scientific Research.

Neolithic surgeons might have practiced their skull-drilling techniques on cows

Popular Science - Thu 19 Apr 18

Science Trepanation may not have been limited to humans. Bovine brain surgery is pretty rare. So if you were visiting the Neolithic dig site at Champ-Durand in France and ...

Hole in cow's skull may be proof of early medical experimentation

UPI - Thu 19 Apr 18

More than 5,000 years ago, humans living in what's now France drilled a hole in a cow's head. Researchers think it's an example early medical experimentation.