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First interstellar object may have come from a binary star

New Atlas - Mon 19 Mar 18

The first known object to come from outside our Solar System is giving up clues as to where it came from. New research led by Dr Alan Jackson at the Centre for Planetary Sciences at ...

'Oumuamua likely came from a binary star system - Mon 19 Mar 18

New research finds that 'Oumuamua, the rocky object identified as the first confirmed interstellar asteroid, very likely came from a binary star system.

‘Oumuamua likely came from a binary star system, Astrobiology Magazine - Tue 20 Mar 18
‘Oumuamua likely came from a binary star system, Science Blog - Mon 19 Mar 18
'Oumuamua likely came from a binary star system, Eurekalert - Mon 19 Mar 18
‘Oumuamua likely came from a binary star system , AlphaGalileo - Mon 19 Mar 18

Strange object ‘Oumuamua likely came from another solar system

ZME Science - Wed 21 Mar 18

We're still learning much from our interstellar visitor.

Alien Asteroid Probably Originated From Binary Star System - Tue 20 Mar 18

The cigar-shaped rock tumbling through our solar system may be more alien than we thought. First spotted in October, ‘Oumuamua probably originated in a binary star, according to a new ...

1st known interstellar visitor gets weirder: Oumuamua likely had 2 stars

FOXNews - Tue 20 Mar 18

Our solar system's first known interstellar visitor is likely even more alien than previously imagined, a new study suggests.

1st Known Interstellar Visitor Gets Weirder: 'Oumuamua Likely Had 2 Stars , - Mon 19 Mar 18

Interstellar asteroid Oumuamua came from binary star system

Daily Mail - Mon 19 Mar 18

Experts from the University of Toronto have found that the Oumuamua asteroid was the first inter-galactic asteroid to come to the solar system after being ejected from a Binary Star system. ...

Interstellar asteroid ‘Oumuamua came from binary star system - Thu 22 Mar 18

The first known cosmic tourist was likely ejected from a system with two parent stars.

'Oumuamua came from a two-star system, astronomers find

UPI - Mon 19 Mar 18

The solar system's first-documented interstellar visitor, 'Oumuamua, likely began its journey in a binary star system, new research suggests.