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How to better control a nanorobotic arm

Nanotechweb - Mon 22 Jan 18

New DNA-based device can be driven by electrical fields alone and can move 100,000 times faster in solution than other such machines.

Fast computer control for molecular machines - Fri 19 Jan 18

Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed a novel electric propulsion technology for nanorobots. It allows molecular machines to move a hundred thousand times faster ...

German Scientists Create Ultrafast Robot Arms from DNA

IEEE Spectrum - Thu 18 Jan 18

DNA robotic systems move 100,000 times faster than previous systems

These high-speed ‘nano-cranes’ could form molecular assembly lines

TechCrunch - Fri 19 Jan 18

 Things aren’t going well down at the ol’ nano-factory. They’re having trouble getting all those tiny workers to synchronize and move quickly together. But leave it to ...

Piecework at the nano assembly line

ScienceDaily - Fri 19 Jan 18

Scientists have developed a novel electric propulsion technology for nanorobots. It allows molecular machines to move a hundred thousand times faster than with the biochemical processes used ...

Piecework at the nano assembly line, Eurekalert - Fri 19 Jan 18

Molecular machines: Piecework at the nano assembly line

AlphaGalileo - Fri 19 Jan 18

Scientists at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich and the Technical University in Munich have developed a novel electric propulsion technology for nanorobots. It allows molecular ...