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Caltech ditches the optics for a slimmer camera future

New Atlas - Fri 23 Jun 17

While cameras continue to get smaller, using a lens to focus light physically limits this process, even with ultra-thin flat lenses on the way, and explains why so many smartphones have ...

Ultra-thin camera creates images without lenses - Thu 22 Jun 17

Traditional cameras—even those on the thinnest of cell phones—cannot be truly flat due to their optics: lenses that require a certain shape and size in order to function. At Caltech, engineers ...

Ultra-thin Camera Creates Images Without Lenses, Laboratory Equipment - Thu 22 Jun 17
Ultra-thin camera creates images without lenses, Eurekalert - Thu 22 Jun 17

Caltech is developing an ultra-thin lens-less camera

Techspot - Thu 22 Jun 17

Smartphone manufacturers continually try to make their devices thinner, even while creeping them progressively closer to tablet size. One obstacle to creating a thinner phone is the camera. ...

'Lensless camera' could make smartphones flat

Daily Mail - Thu 22 Jun 17

Engineers at California Institute of Technology have now developed a camera design that replaces lenses with an ultra-thin optical phased array (OPA) chip.

Could Caltech's 'lensless camera' mean flatter phones? - CNET

CNET Cutting Edge - Thu 22 Jun 17

Researchers at Caltech say that they're developing a single-layer 'lensless camera' that can switch from a fisheye to a telephoto lens instantly.

Caltech's 'lensless camera' could make our phones truly flat

Engadget - Thu 22 Jun 17

Even as our phones get thinner, there's one spot that keeps sticking out: the camera lens. Taking good pictures and being able to focus at multiple distances requires a layer of ...