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Is the mystery of the Hobbit’s origins really solved?

Cosmos Magazine - Wed 26 Apr 17

The Hobbit is the weirdest looking human we have found so far, and its strange appearance is the second major reason why it’s been at the heart of one of the nastiest squabbles in ...

Primitive human 'lived much more recently'

BBC News - Tue 25 Apr 17

Homo naledi could be from just 200,000 years ago, not three million, a study suggests.

’s brain shows humanlike features

ScienceNews - Tue 25 Apr 17

South African Homo species had small but humanlike brain, scientists say.

Homo naledi is only 250,000 years old – here’s why that matters

Newscientist - Tue 25 Apr 17

The latest species of extinct hominin to be discovered that promised to rewrite our history may have died out as modern humans came about  

Mystery human species Homo naledi had tiny but advanced brain

Newscientist - Mon 24 Apr 17

The first analyses of skull data from the most recently discovered species of early human suggest that its brain was surprising sophisticated

The "Hobbit" hits the headlines again, but is the mystery of its origins really solved? - Mon 24 Apr 17

It's been the scientific equivalent of a never ending soap opera. The pygmy human species Homo floresiensis (aka 'the Hobbit'), discovered in 2003 in a cave on the island of Flores, has been ...

"Hobbit" humans may finally have a place in the family tree

New Atlas - Mon 24 Apr 17

In 2003, archaeologists from Indonesia and Australia discovered the bones of a new species of human, named Homo floresiensis, in a cave on the Indonesian island of Flores. Its short ...

The Hobbit: A Lineage More Ancient Than Once Thought?

Discover Magazine - Fri 21 Apr 17

The 2003 discovery of the Homo floresiensis added a new, weird branch to the human family tree. At the same time humans were spreading across Asia and Neanderthals were inching toward extinction ...

Origins of Indonesian hobbits finally revealed - Fri 21 Apr 17

The most comprehensive study on the bones of Homo floresiensis, a species of tiny human discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003, has found that they most likely evolved from an ...

Origins of Indonesian hobbits finally revealed, ScienceDaily - Fri 21 Apr 17
Origins of Indonesian hobbits finally revealed, Science Blog - Fri 21 Apr 17
Origins of Indonesian hobbits finally revealed, Eurekalert - Fri 21 Apr 17

Mystery human hobbit ancestor may have been first out of Africa

Newscientist - Fri 21 Apr 17

The evolutionary origins of the tiny Indonesian hominin Homo floresiensis have perplexed us for years – now there’s a new twist to the tale, suggesting we had it figured out all wrong

Hobbit jawbone study redraws the human family tree

Cosmos Magazine - Fri 21 Apr 17

A skeletal analysis casts new light on the evolution of Homo floresiensis, the “Flores hobbit”, writes Stephen Fleischfresser.

New analysis relocates the “hobbit” on the human family tree

Ars Technica - Thu 27 Apr 17

Were humans migrating out of Africa much earlier than we realized?

'Hobbits' May Have Led Early Humans Out of Africa

Livescience - Wed 26 Apr 17

New research on Indonesian fossils reveals clues to an ancient expansion out of Africa led by human ancestors nicknamed "hobbits."

Origins of Mysterious Indonesian ‘Hobbits’ Revealed

Discovery News - Mon 24 Apr 17

Credit: Katrina Kenny, South Australia MuseumA new study debunks the idea that a diminutive early human species knick-named the “hobbits” of Indonesia were closely linked ...

‘Hobbits’ didn’t directly evolve from a modern human ancestor. They likely originate from Africa instead

ZME Science - Fri 21 Apr 17

The most comprehensive bone analysis of its kind shows Homo floresiensis didn't share important features with Homo erectus.

'Hobbits’ may be one of the earliest form of human

Daily Mail - Fri 21 Apr 17

Researchers from the Australian National University carried out the world's most comprehensive study on the bones of Homo floresiensis, which lived on Flores in Indonesia.

New Study of The Hobbit

NeuroLogica - Tue 25 Apr 17

I have been following the story of Homo floresiensis for the last decade, and it is fascinating. The remains of a diminutive humanoid were found on the island of Fores in Indonesia. The remains ...

Indonesian hobbit evolved from African ancestor

UPI - Fri 21 Apr 17

New analysis of the remains of Flores man suggests the Indonesian 'hobbits' evolved from an African relative, not from Homo erectus.

Origins of Indonesian Hobbits Revealed

Laboratory Equipment - Fri 21 Apr 17

NewsThe most comprehensive study on the bones of Homo floresiensis, a species of tiny human discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003, has found that they most likely evolved from ...