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'Twilight' Star Kristen Stewart Co-Authors Artificial-Intelligence Paper

Livescience - Tue 24 Jan 17

Actor Kristen Stewart co-authors computer science research, revealing how artificial intelligence could be used to create moody shots in her movie "Come Swim."

Style Transfer Makes A Movie

iProgrammer - Sun 22 Jan 17

It is only a few months ago that neural network based style transfer was the latest thing. Now we have a short and serious movie which contains sections that were generated by style transfer. ...

Kristen Stewart Co-Authored Research Paper About Artificial Intelligence

Gizmodo - Sat 21 Jan 17

Kristen Stewart is quickly becoming one of my favorite people. She’s gone from Twilight to indie darling, picking some amazing films that show us she has way more talent than Bella Swan gave ...

Kristen Stewart co-wrote a paper on machine learning

Engadget - Fri 20 Jan 17

Kristen Stewart, best known for her role as Bella in the Twilight saga, has co-authored a paper on machine learning. It details her use of a technique known as 'style transfers' ...

Kristen Stewart has co-authored a paper on artificial intelligence

The Verge - Fri 20 Jan 17

Here’s a sentence you don’t get to read everyday: Kristen Stewart has surprised the artificial intelligence community by publishing a paper on machine learning. The Twilight actress ...

Kristen Stewart co-authored a paper on style transfer and the AI community lost its mind

TechCrunch - Thu 19 Jan 17

 Hollywood and the academic artificial intelligence community have an interesting relationship, to say the least. Many people interested in the field, myself included, love science fiction, ...

Kristen Stewart gets all AI for trippy 'Come Swim' - CNET

CNET Crave - Mon 23 Jan 17

The "Twilight" star publishes a research paper about the artificial intelligence she used to create her latest film.