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Ancient reptile fossils claw for more attention - Thu 29 Sep 16

Newly recovered fossils confirm that Drepanosaurus, a prehistoric cross between a chameleon and an anteater, was a small reptile with a fearsome finger. The second digit of its forelimb sported ...

Strange reptile fossil puzzles scientists

BBC News - Thu 29 Sep 16

A reptile that lived 200 million years ago is rewriting the rulebooks on how four-legged animals conquered the world.

Huge Claw, Bizarre Limbs Helped Ancient Reptile Dig

Discovery News - Thu 29 Sep 16

Photo: About 200 million years ago in what is today New Mexico, a Drepanosaurus used its massive claw and powerful arm to rip away tree bark and expose the insects ...

Huge Claw, Bizarre Limbs Helped Ancient Reptile Dig, Livescience - Thu 29 Sep 16

212 Million-Year-Old Reptile Had Anteater Like Arms

Popular Science - Thu 29 Sep 16

Animals The better to dig with, my dear In a paper published in Current Biology today, researchers announced that they'd found the fossilized remains of a reptile with very ...

Ancient Reptile Had Bizarre Forelimb Evolution

Laboratory Equipment - Fri 30 Sep 16

NewsFossil remains from an ancient reptile known as Drepanosaurus reveals unusual skeletal adaptations in the forelimb that scientists have never before recorded in land animals. Contributed ...

200-million-year-old reptile had unusual, anteater-like forelimbs

Eurekalert - Mon 3 Oct 16

A chameleon-like reptile that lived some 200 million years ago had an incredibly unique forelimb apparently adapted for digging, according to a report published in the Cell Press journal Current ...

Ancient reptile featured a crazy forelimb claw, study finds

RedOrbit - Fri 30 Sep 16

A prehistoric reptile described as a cross between an anteater and a chameleon sported an odd, enlarged claw on its forelimb that likely helped it break into insect nests for food, according ...

New Research Reveals an Ancient Reptile Had Bizarre Forelimb Evolution

Newswise - Fri 30 Sep 16

Fossil remains from an ancient reptile known as Drepanosaurus reveals unusual skeletal adaptations in the forelimb that scientists have never before recorded in land animals.

Contrary to Popular Belief - Coca Not the Driving Force of Deforestation, Report Reveals

Newswise - Thu 29 Sep 16

Most of the world's coca--the plant source of cocaine--grows in the Amazon forests of the Andean countries of Colombia, Peru and Bolivia, where many think this illicit crop causes deforestation. ...