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Dancing hairs alert bees to floral electric fields - Mon 30 May 16

Tiny, vibrating hairs may explain how bumblebees sense and interpret the signals transmitted by flowers, according to a study by researchers at the University of Bristol.

Dancing Hairs Alert Bees to Floral Electric Fields, Laboratory Equipment - Tue 31 May 16
Dancing hairs alert bees to floral electric fields, e! Science News - Tue 31 May 16
Dancing hairs alert bees to floral electric fields, Science Blog - Tue 31 May 16
Dancing hairs alert bees to floral electric fields, Eurekalert - Mon 30 May 16

Bumblebee's electric field sensor identified

The Guardian - Tue 31 May 16

Mechanosensory hairs covering bumblebees' bodies detect the small electrical fields emitted by flowersBumblebees use the fine hairs covering their bodies to detect electrical fields produced ...

Bumblebees detect flowers' electric field with their tiny hairs

ZME Science - Tue 31 May 16

Research showed flowers, and plants in general, generate an electric field and bumblebees can sense it with their tiny hairs.

Bees guided to flowers by invisible electric fields Science - Mon 30 May 16