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Fungus from Asia threatens European salamanders

Nature News - Thu 30 Oct 14

North American salamanders and newts are safe for now, but epidemic could spread through pet trade.

Emerging disease could wipe out American, European salamanders - Thu 30 Oct 14

A deadly disease that is wiping out salamanders in parts of Europe will inevitably reach the U.S. through the international wildlife trade unless steps are taken to halt its spread, says University ...

Emerging disease could wipe out American, European salamanders, e! Science News - Fri 31 Oct 14
Emerging disease could wipe out American, European salamanders, ScienceDaily - Fri 31 Oct 14

European newts and salamanders at risk from deadly skin-eating fungus

The Guardian - Fri 31 Oct 14

Epidemic threatening protected UK native species may have spread from Asia to Europe through the exotic pets trade Continue reading...

Skin-eating Asian fungus imperils world's salamanders

Reuters - Thu 30 Oct 14

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A skin-eating fungus that infiltrated Europe through the global wildlife trade is threatening to inflict massive losses on the continent's native salamanders including ...

Skin-eating Asian fungus imperils world's salamanders, - Fri 31 Oct 14

Killer Fungus Threatens Salamanders

National Geographic - Thu 30 Oct 14

An Asian fungus is ravaging salamanders in Europe and could kill off populations in North America and elsewhere, researchers say.

Asian fungus threatens Western salamanders

UPI - Thu 30 Oct 14

Brooks HaysWASHINGTON, Oct. 30 (UPI) -- A new type of chytrid fungus is threatening native salamander species in Europe and could threaten species in America.

Salamanders Being Killed Off By Deadly Fungal Disease, Experts Call For Better Regulations

RedOrbit - Sat 1 Nov 14

Brett Smith for - Your Universe Online A deadly fungal disease is killing salamanders across Europe and biologists believe it's only a matter of time before the fungus starts ravaging ...