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Evidence of Absolutely Enormous Dead Stars Discovered

TIME - Fri 22 Aug 14

Astronomers have a pretty good idea about what the first stars in the universe must have looked like. Theorists say they should have been gigantic, weighing in at anywhere from 20 times the ...

A chemical signature of first-generation very-massive stars - Fri 22 Aug 14

A team of astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), the Konan University and the University of Hyogo in Japan, the University of Notre Dame, and New Mexico State ...

Chemical signature of first-generation star found

ScienceNews - Thu 21 Aug 14

The unusual balance of elements in the atmosphere of a star most likely came from the explosion of another star more than 100 times as massive as the sun.

Imprint of primordial monster star found

Nature News - Thu 21 Aug 14

Chemical signature in relic star brings long-awaited evidence for massive stellar ancestors.

Hints of elusive early stars found

BBC News - Thu 21 Aug 14

Astronomers may have discovered the chemical signature of one of the Universe's earliest stars.

Earliest stars lived short, fiery lives

Newscientist - Thu 21 Aug 14

The chemical fingerprint of an ancient star suggests its predecessors were more massive than thought, ending up as huge supernovae

The star that exploded at the dawn of time

Science Now - Thu 21 Aug 14

Ancient Milky Way sun may preserve shrapnel from a superstar's violent death

A 'stellar fossil' holds hints of one of the universe's first stars

L.A. Times - Thu 21 Aug 14

Astronomers say they've discovered the signature of one of the first stars in the universe whose remains were embedded into the body of another very old star.

Traces of One of Universe's First Stars Detected

Discovery News - Thu 21 Aug 14

Chemical signature of ancient star suggests it incorporated material blasted into space by a supernova explosion from huge star in early universe.

Traces of One of Universe's First Stars Detected, - Thu 21 Aug 14

Scientists Find Remnants of One of Universe's Oldest Stars—And It's Huge

National Geographic - Thu 21 Aug 14

Astronomers have struggled to find evidence for the massive stars thought to populate the early universe. Now, some say they have.

A chemical signature of first generation of massive stars - Thu 21 Aug 14

Astronomers have discovered a low-mass star that exhibits the peculiar chemical abundance ratios associated with the process of creating new atomic nuclei in a first-generation massive star.

Scientists Say They Discovered Traces of One of Universe's Oldest Stars

SpaceDaily - Mon 25 Aug 14

Moscow (RIA Novosti) Aug 25, 2014 A team of American and Japanese astronomers claims it has found a chemical signature of one of the first stars in the universe embedded in another old star, ...