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Stonehenge was 'hub for Britain's earliest mass parties'

BBC News - Thu 14 Mar 19

The variety of pig bones found suggest people travelled a long way for the feasts, researchers say.

Ancient People Came From All Across England to Party at Stonehenge

Discover Magazine - Wed 13 Mar 19

Some things, it appears, never change. Death and taxes are certainties, the poor we will always have with us, and of course war… war never changes. But, according to a study today in the open-access ...

Prehistoric Britons rack up food miles for feasts near Stonehenge - Wed 13 Mar 19

Archaeologists have unearthed evidence of the earliest large-scale celebrations in Britain—with people and animals travelling hundreds of miles for prehistoric feasting rituals.

Prehistoric Britons Rack Up Food Miles for Feasts Near Stonehenge, Laboratory Equipment - Fri 15 Mar 19
Prehistoric Britons rack up food miles for feasts near Stonehenge, ScienceDaily - Wed 13 Mar 19

People brought food from all over Britain to feast near Stonehenge

Ars Technica - Wed 20 Mar 19

People brought their own pigs for the feasts from as far away as Scotland.

Ancient Britons Traveled Hundreds of Miles For Stonehenge Pork Roasts - Thu 14 Mar 19

New research suggests prehistoric Britons traveled far and wide for a good party. Archaeologists have unearthed evidence of the earliest large-scale celebrations in the UK, attracting people ...

Stonehenge feast discovery thrills experts

FOXNews - Thu 14 Mar 19

Stonehenge is one of the great mysteries of modern times, as researchers try to decipher its meaning, its composition and a number of other clues about it. But a new study suggests that feasts ...

Pig feast! Back in the day, they partied hearty at Stonehenge

USA today - Wed 13 Mar 19

Hauling pigs all the way from Scotland to near Stonehenge, ancient Brits really knew how to throw a party 4,500 years ago.        

Prehistoric Britons travelled hundreds of miles to attend huge celebrations at Stonehenge

Daily Mail - Wed 13 Mar 19

Evidence of the ritualistic 'parties' came from the devoured carcasses of 131 pigs unearthed at the Wiltshire site.

Ancient Stonehenge Pigs Had Long Journey Before Their Slaughter

Livescience - Wed 13 Mar 19

Countless piggies likely trotted hundreds of miles to Stonehenge and other ancient monuments during the Neolithic, where they were promptly devoured during giant feasts, a new study finds.

Ancient Britons Traveled Hundreds of Miles to Attend Pork Fests at Stonehenge

Gizmodo - Wed 13 Mar 19

Prehistoric Britons traveled impressive distances to attend celebrations at monumental sites like Stonehenge, according to new research. Incredibly, many of them brought their pigs along with ...