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Waymo Applies For Permit To Test Fully Driverless Cars In California

Ubergizmo - Fri 13 Apr 18

At the moment many companies, both carmakers and tech companies, who are testing out self-driving cars. However in order to test them on public roads, for the most part the laws around the ...

Waymo reportedly applies to put autonomous cars on California roads with no safety drivers

TechCrunch - Fri 13 Apr 18

Waymo has become the second company to apply for the newly-available permit to deploy autonomous vehicles without safety drivers on some California roads, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. ...

Waymo formally applies for fully driverless car tests in California

Engadget - Fri 13 Apr 18

Waymo has officially applied to the California DMV to test autonomous cars without drivers in the state. A source told the San Francisco Chronicle that the company will start trials ...

Waymo applies for California driverless testing permit - Roadshow

CNET - Fri 13 Apr 18

The self-driving technology leader seeks to test fully driverless vehicles on California public roads.

Waymo seeks permission to test fully driverless cars in California

The Verge - Fri 13 Apr 18

The California Department of Motor Vehicles has received a second application to test fully driverless vehicles on public roads, and the San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that ...