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Magnets diagnose malaria in minutes

ScienceNews - Fri 5 Sep 14

A small magnet-based device provides faster, more-sensitive malaria diagnosis in mice.

Quick test for malaria shows promise

Nature News - Sun 31 Aug 14

Magnetic detection method is more portable and less error-prone than conventional tests.

A new way to diagnose malaria, using magnetic fields

Medical Xpress - Sun 31 Aug 14

Over the past several decades, malaria diagnosis has changed very little. After taking a blood sample from a patient, a technician smears the blood across a glass slide, stains it with a special ...

Researchers Are Detecting Malaria Using Magnets

Gizmodo - Mon 1 Sep 14

Malaria is a hard disease to treat — but it's even harder to detect. A new breakthrough uses a technology similar to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that essentially detects parasite poop ...

Scientists in Singapore develop groundbreaking technique for early and rapid malaria diagnosis​​

HealthCanal - Tue 2 Sep 14

A team of Singapore scientists have invented a new technique to detect malaria within minutes and all that is required is a drop of blood.

A new way to diagnose malaria

HealthCanal - Sun 31 Aug 14

Using magnetic fields, technique can detect parasite's waste products in infected blood cells.

A new way to diagnose malaria, R&D Mag - Tue 2 Sep 14
A new way to diagnose malaria, Eurekalert - Sun 31 Aug 14

New way to diagnose malaria by detecting parasite's waste in infected blood cells

ScienceDaily - Mon 1 Sep 14

A technique that can detect malarial parasite's waste in infected blood cells has been developed by researchers. "There is real potential to make this into a field-deployable system, especially ...